Ban Appeal


Registered User
Dec 22, 2012
Ban Appeal
What is your in game ALIAS(es)
Which game is it?
Server name that you were banned on: | 24/7 METRO NO RESTRICTION 1000 TIX | 64P | NO LAG
Approximate Date/Time that you were banned:
Admin that banned you (If you remember):
i dont know, Donut64 was present
If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for:
I was AFK during a game on metro to go to the toilet and I got banned. I can not get back on the server.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
A very thanks for your nice server. I m like this great player and admins.

But i m not understand why you ban me ??

Sorry for my bad english
This is directed for members and/or guests. Do not respond to ban appeal threads. Any posts that comes from anyone else will have their posts deleted.
A head admin will tell who or what banned you and why.
Sorry for the ban, my mistake not anything you did. I'll have one of the head admins remove it from the server.
OK thank you very much for your amazing speed.

I love your server and I'll put money on my pay-pal account for you donating.

I would love to join your community TBG but since my English unfortunately = (

soon on your server and good frags

oui oui, je parle francais, mais ce forum n'est pas francais :D bon jeu!