Bad Company 2 Choppers - Gunner/Pilot Wanted


Registered User
Jul 2, 2008

So a couple of days ago I was like hmmm I wonder if the choppers in BC2 really suck as hard as my impression has been... so I wanted to "give it a chance."

I've actually had a lot of fun so far with flying in BC2 (certainly very refreshing after being a tank whore) and with a good pilot/gunner combo, I've found that they can own almost as hard as in BF2/2142.

A lot of skill with rudder, collective, and cyclic controls is applicable from 2142 actually, in my opinion.

I've had several really good runs (like 22:2, etc.) in the proper situations - mostly when the other team sucks, but even if they don't, I manage really good runs usually.

I've been learning the AA/gatling/static gun placements so they can be owned when necessary, as well as the skills to avoid/repair when needed.

Both the main rockets and the gunner gun can be lethal to infantry when placed well - even from a distance - and it's very satisfying when you own. I've wanted to experiment with the gunner/pilot ALT W combo (locking reticle/hellfire) to deliver one-salvo-kills to vehicles too, but I need someone in Vent with me for that. I use Warheads now usually...

Of course, as many of you know, I play normal conquest fairly exclusively (rarely, you'll see me on normal rush too), so if someone wants to fly with me, it would be kind of fun I think. No offense, but please be really good - it's very frustrating when I (as pilot) see targets better than the gunner. We can try it though whoever is interested. Maybe Amazon or Pilot? :-D

Atacama is fine to fly in, but Port Valdez is really where the the fun is at imo.

Having started to fly more, I really wish they would make more maps with choppers - and hell - why not even a big map with FOUR choppers (that would be really cool).

Oh, I guess I should mention that I'm not the ADHD type when playing BC2 at all - I take my time, camp, actually RUN BACK (what a concept in BC2 - actually running back) to capture a flag, run back for vehicles etc., so if you're bored easily and desire the ADHD-style gameplay of GET THE FUCK IN THERE CONSTANT SPRINT COD STYLE KILLS KILLS FUCK YEAH, you might be bored with my style of flying. If you want to be a dirty bitch and consistently maintain pressure on the opposing team, you should be fine. I usually do deliver the top-3 points on the team though.

So yeah let me know if someone wants to give up RUSH HARDCORE or 2142 and hook up for a few flying sessions.
HaHa...wishful thinking

Let us know when you assemble your ACE flying team. I am certainly aware of a couple of gents who would relish the chance to use their tracer/gustav skills against a formidable flying opponent. :)
Tracer dart...bang; chopper is too shitty for this game...epic fail for Dice yet again
The chopper flies alot better now and the smoke, if you deploy it right makes you last longer. Besides just gunning people down if you drop people inside/behind the base you end up dividing the other teams attention and raping them. Too bad the TBG server does not run the desert map where you get the chopper at every base to do some juicy work with it.
i love to fly, but rarely i was the gunner because most of the pilots are noobs and crash almost instantly. i need a gunner/pilot just like you. lol
Heat, when I get back Ill fly around/fly you around. It took me very little time to figure out, drift rates of the 30mm, G-forces on rockets and the decent and climb rates of most of the aircraft. I have also noticed that the hellfire missle can be a little buggy on the hit-reg, but if you get a clear shot it works just fine. I have some tips you may like on Atacama

also, how have the updates affected aircraft? anything awesome besides smoke?
I might actually play this if there was a team orientated goal. Heat I am with you on the take your time and suppress the enemy strategy. One of the main reasons I don't play this game a lot is due to the need to always run/sprint to the next base and cap it type scenario. I would certainly man a door gun or what ever you might need let me know when you want to try it.
Actually, the teams I play against really blow hard sometimes, and I'm also fairly good at circle-strafing / swaying to be as hard of a target as possible, so not AS easy to tracer - still working on it though. I'm sure if balls jumps on and he makes it a priority to shoot me down, it would make for a very unpleasant game - also, the smoke (well, FLARES actually) are good, but not a perfect solution.

I find optics useless now in the game. I used to actually use them, but I find that Warheads is a lot more useful - even on Atacama or larger maps. I can usually spot people from fairly far, and spamming with tank shells/splash weapons such as the heli cannon towards spotted targets or "high-traffic" areas can get a lot of "WTF you ^%$@$@ hack" kills.

I can't remember how the helis flew before, didn't fly much and they felt like shit, but I decided to try them a couple of days ago and I'm getting used to them. I'm not sure if the update did much, but they're OK now. They still feel like flying RC choppers (twitchy/not a lot of "weight" or "momentum") a bit, but it's a lot of fun and refreshing after round after round of tank ground-pounding.

Like I say, the choppers are definitely not like they were in 2142. The biggest thing is that there's an artificial "ceiling" in the levels that you can't rise above (which blows while trying to get a drop on the other chopper in a dogfight), and if the enemy team makes you a priority, you really can't do much but constantly fall back and repair. The only consolation in that case is that hopefully the people on the ground can rape, while the enemy team looks at the sky and tries to take you down.

You definitely can't have a 110:0 runs like in 2142, but still it's fun for me - even if you die once in a while.

The biggest WTF is AGAIN that fucking DICE shitted on one of the choppers - the Russian chopper's pilot view is still bright as fuck (even though they turned it down a couple of patches ago supposedly). I don't know what it was before, but it must have been BAD, because right now it's really unpleasant to fly on Atacama. Valdez is not too bad, but on Atacama there's a CLEAR advantage in that the Apache can see much farther than the Havoc (pilot view).

I don't know why the fuck they can't make a game where the choppers are really equal instead of this shit, but whatever. Maybe they just hate Russians :-D .
btw I'm not gonna play tonight - feel really tired and going to bed early.
yeah the Russian chopper view is terrible still. I will be on later maybe we can try to fly as well as maybe experiment with the sniper rifle to see if we can duplicate what he does.
dude the original Russian view was ridiculous, I never flew because they put the sun smack dab on the other side of the map and it literally blinded the pilot, I crashed into the ship the first day because it was so bad. but other than that, the russian helicopter flies much better, and has a higher climb rate