Applying for Membership



Applying for Membership
Your age? 21+ Only:
The ALIAS you use regularly and PLEASE include your FIRST NAME:
What game or games would you like to represent TBG?:
Where are you located?:
California, USA
What is your Occupation/School?:
Beet Farmer
Are you consistently able to support TBG financially?
What made you apply to us?
No one made me. I am here of my own volition.
Do you have or know what Teamspeak 3 voice chat is? (Need to sign on regularly with a headset/microphone):
Do you have a great sense of humor? (will be needed):
Will you be active and dedicated to TBG?:
Will you help populate/seed your favorite TBG server(s)?
Can you fluently understand the English language?
I only speak da english.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Does anyone say no to the sense of humor question? haha. I am willing to commit my first born to the TBG clan if it will get me in. I don't have a first born yet. There's some stuff I gotta do first, but rest assured; He/She will be yours. Thank you

PS - I like turtles.
sugar beet? my country was given 200 million in fines for farming it.
What is your actual first name, Turtle? Please see the pm that I sent you and be active in TS.
What is your actual first name, Turtle? Please see the pm that I sent you and be active in TS.

James. Sorry. I'll hop on TS now. I think I'm still banned on the Operation Locker server. Can we fix that? Thanks