Applying for Membership


Registered User
Dec 8, 2012
Applying for Membership
Your age? 18+ Only:
The ALIAS you use regularly and PLEASE include your FIRST NAME:
Alex Savage (People call me Savage)
What game or games would you like to represent TBG?:
Where are you located?:
Quebec, Canada
What is your Occupation/School?:
Are you consistently able to support TBG financially?
What made you apply to us?
Becoming an admin so I can terminate cheaters as I see fit ... that and because I can.
Do you have or know what Teamspeak 3 voice chat is? (Need to sign on regularly with a headset/microphone):
Do you have a great sense of humor? (will be needed):
Will you be active and dedicated to TBG?:
Will you help populate/seed your favorite TBG server(s)?
Can you fluently understand the English language?
No... I don't think I can understand english at all... oh wait, what is it I'm typing ? English! ahhh fuck me, I thought it was some sort of barbaric language!!! lol ... YES. sorry.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Becoming an admin so I can terminate cheaters as I see fit ... that and because I can.
If you want to join TBG just to become an admin, that's not going to happen. We required dedication, team work, friendliness and financial support most importantly.

Also "as you see fit that and because I can" does not describe us admins and the worst thing you can say actually. This isn't a one man show. We have guidelines to follow, everyone does. This is an attitude we are not looking for
Sorry, I thought I'd receive a PM hence why I didn't reply 'til now (Soulzz had to tell me.)
Well ... about me becoming an admin, it's not mandatory (I also understand I wouldn't become one right off the bat as well.)

Sorry again about the delay.

(My in-game name is Dominion107 on BF3 / Dropdead on Arma 3 ... I used to be called -EGC-WARHEAD (EVGA Gaming Community))
Sorry Warhead, we have declined your application for the time being. You are welcome to hop on our TeamSpeak server and look for me and I can explain this for you.