Appealing my ban

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Registered User
May 1, 2015
Ethinic/ Relgious word & Racial slurs will not be lifted. We don't care why or with who you used it with. Only in a unique situation a ban such as this may be lifted. False positives for example. Regarding to ban appeals, offering donations, although appreciated, will NOT help your appeal.

What is your in game ALIAS(es):* iplaytokill187

Which game is it?:* Battlefield 4

Your Steam ID:

Server name that you were banned on** -|TBG|- # LOCKER # STATS # ALL WEAPONS # NO LAG #TBGCLAN.COM

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned** 4/30/2015 11:12:15

Admin that banned you (If you remember) Iguanidon

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for impossible stats

Any additional comments you would like to add? All i play is lockers mainly urs and EGO. I also play for competitive team tK I don't feel my stats are impossible. If you go over my stats within your server you will see i don't always do good.

This is directed for everyone. Do not respond to ban appeal threads unless you are able to provide pertinent information (or assist the situation), admin involved and/or banned player.
Hi Play.

As this was an admin ban and not from the auto admin please wait for @Iguanidon to respond to this thread. Till then feel free to fuck shit up on our other 8 servers.

~Sgt Kokuei
If you guys want I can even provide videos and my streaming link. Again this is a smurf account you can look at both of my accounts and see the same IP address associated with them. All I do is play lockers on my smurf, so 2400 spm is not hard to get in 24/7 lockers. This is my main Here is a montage on my main
and I can also provide more videos I have over 500 clips. Here is my streaming link as well I usually play some time after 8PM pst until 2 or 3AM and I started streaming again do to this ban so atm their is not a lot of past cast.
Footage showing your monitor from an external camera Showing 3 complete unedited games. They must be from loading screen to end game report. I will not accept old footage or montage. I will not accept past streaming. I can and will tell if there has been any modification to the clips. If you can provide footage showing the monitor not screen capture displaying the accuracy, kill per minute, head shot kill ratio, with the same game play that I witnessed as well as many others, then I might be able to have this re analyzed. Until this request has been fulfilled in its entirety, the ban will stay.

After we review your pending submission we'll decide on your ban.

Oh and to add to this. 2400 spm isn't easy to obtain without experience boosts or double xp weekend. If you're going to record I want the 2400 spm without any boosts. Once again, I'll be able to tell.
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I am always using XP boost while I play and sometimes I forget to enable them but that might only be from a couple minutes to 5 minutes. I will set up things tonight after I get home and will record probably tomorrow.
Hey guys, you seem pretty set on banning Merci45k' alt ... thought id post because i really think this is a bummer. I get that his stats on BF4DB are 'suspicious looking', but Merci is a killer player. Ive been playing with him for about a year straight now, he's talented and disciplined, and i can attest to his skill personally.

I mean, this game has been out for a year and a half, and lockers is something we all play 95% of the time. Hell, i bought a Smurf account a couple months ago as well because i wanted to see my true accuracy stats, SPM and KPM in lockers. I only play lockers with that account as well. The majority of my accuracy stats are 'yellow' on BF4DB with my Smurf as well. My SPM on that account is about 1600, using mostly 50% XP boosts (i save my 100s and 200s for times when im on a really good squad where i get revived constantly)

What im trying to say is, on a close quarters map that you have been playing for a year and a half, having 25% average accuracy isnt 'that' crazy. Merci is a competition grade gamer, and was part of the main tK 5v5 team for a long time. 2500 SPM can be achieved through constantly using XP boosts (we all have hundreds of them) and playing the objective. One guy i know has 8000 SPM after 9 hours of lockers gameplay, playing with a stacked squad and 100/200XP boosts constantly! Asking Merci to produce 2400 SPM games without XP boosts is unnatural, as he's stated that he uses them 90% of the time.

Honestly guys, please reconsider here... Merci is 100% legit, and i can say personally that the guy hates cheaters with a passion. Ive played with him for a year plus. He's played in tournaments where extra cheat precaution software and information is required, and he still performs amazingly.
The video has being upload to YouTube now I am just waiting YouTube to process it to the 720p quality currently its at 480p. The video is 2:18:56 minutes long, so idk how long it will take. Also in the description I put links for each round start time, end time and battle reports with K/D and SPM per round
I've been working crazy hours. I've reviewed about half of the Video so far. I'll finish when I eventually leave hell.
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