Alright guys, I'd like something done about this if possible...


Registered User
Jun 28, 2012
I love your servers, they are easily my top played overall. Most of you guys have even played with me before and know that I'm generally pretty laid back, calling obvious trolls and heat seeker jet nubs faggots aside.

There is something I've noticed though. Now don't get me wrong it's not JUST on your servers, but it mostly happens on them, at least when I've been playing and a few friends can say the same thing. The team balance plug in you guys use doesn't work for shit. What is usually does is switch a random person (or more) to level the amount of players, that's great and all. Except when there half a dozen Col 100's on one team and the other team is composed of giant, literal level 5 noobs.

What I recommend is, and I've seen it work fairly effective on a few other servers before, is a team scramble after every match if the overall difference is greater than, say.. 200 tickets? Maps should never go 900-0, that's not fun for EITHER side. Either you're being raped because the guys on your team have no idea as they're genuinely new to the game and still learning (there will always be shit players regardless of rank, I understand that) or you're bored to tears on the other side consistently raping them whenever they successfully manage to break out of the spawn trap and start trying to cap a flag back. The scramble would switch squads around, not individuals in squads as that would be a pain in the ass for trying to play with friends in a squad.

TLDR version: consider a team scramble plug-in because it's often too one sided.

Thanks for reading,


Also, please admin kill camping in base MAA (lol jk... sort of)
problem with scramble people want to play together whether it's TBG members or just a group visiting the server. With clan guests if they are constantly being switched after every round, it is a turn off and they leave the server.
Uhh, you go against my philosophy.

I defend the autobalance because it lets people play together as squads. You see the autobalance only switches lone wolves or the smallest squad.

If we had team scramble, however, it would cause a big ass confusion after every round and everyone would eventually switch back to their friends.

You need to get our TS pass and play with us, the autobalance is fine. :D
Yeah, I know what both of you are saying, it does affect bigger groups from being able to play together easily. But this: Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 (one of many, I shit you guys not) is a disaster lol. I've even tried switching to the garbage team trying to rally them a couple of times but no one ever listens. There's no easy way around being terrible, but if each team had more or less and equal amount of bads, rather than being all on one team as that report showed... see where I'm going with it? There are pro's and con's to each I guess. Would you guys be open to putting a poll up at all?

Yes I probably should join your TS more, I'm usually on with my squad however so that's part of the reason I don't. What is the info and next time I'm playing solo hero I'll try to join up.
Yeah, I know what both of you are saying, it does affect bigger groups from being able to play together easily. But this: Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 (one of many, I shit you guys not) is a disaster lol. I've even tried switching to the garbage team trying to rally them a couple of times but no one ever listens. There's no easy way around being terrible, but if each team had more or less and equal amount of bads, rather than being all on one team as that report showed... see where I'm going with it? There are pro's and con's to each I guess. Would you guys be open to putting a poll up at all?

Yes I probably should join your TS more, I'm usually on with my squad however so that's part of the reason I don't. What is the info and next time I'm playing solo hero I'll try to join up.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. If you do not wish to lose, you wait til your chances improve.

First lesson in finance.
Thanks for the comments guys, and yes Renno I've seen you guys switch and turn it around more than a few times. I'm sure anyone here can agree that they don't mind losing a close game, but when it's just rape after rape and only you and a handful of guys are actually trying to break out of shits creek down 400 tickets early on in the game... it's a little spirit breaking lol.

Really? You harass people for using the heat seekers?

Only if they're using them in a jet - everyone has their opinions, I don't think I'd be the only one to agree with that... lol
Why not shuffle the players with with the worst scores, k/d, etc so they even out on each side? Seriously, it's not the buddies or clans fighting together that create an imbalance but when you have a whole team of fucktards there's no way it's ever going to work then one side feels butthurt because they want to sit back and have somebody else do the work while they jerk off or snipe on a hilltop or fly a mav around a the map the whole game and don't do shit. Ah, how about we make it so you have to be at least a colonel 20 before you can enter the server? It would solve a lot of the dipshit problems too :)
The autobalance tool does blow fucking donkey balls, however it is the tallest midget.
Why not shuffle the players with with the worst scores, k/d, etc so they even out on each side? Seriously, it's not the buddies or clans fighting together that create an imbalance but when you have a whole team of fucktards there's no way it's ever going to work then one side feels butthurt because they want to sit back and have somebody else do the work while they jerk off or snipe on a hilltop or fly a mav around a the map the whole game and don't do shit. Ah, how about we make it so you have to be at least a colonel 20 before you can enter the server? It would solve a lot of the dipshit problems too :)

If only, lol.
Why not shuffle the players with with the worst scores, k/d, etc so they even out on each side? Seriously, it's not the buddies or clans fighting together that create an imbalance but when you have a whole team of fucktards there's no way it's ever going to work then one side feels butthurt because they want to sit back and have somebody else do the work while they jerk off or snipe on a hilltop or fly a mav around a the map the whole game and don't do shit. Ah, how about we make it so you have to be at least a colonel 20 before you can enter the server? It would solve a lot of the dipshit problems too :)

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Tear...well met, I see the pros of a team scramble, sometimes i wish we could have it. But last night made me realize, it doesnt matter when it boils down to it. 4 rounds in a row, all TBG/TBG(r) members were on the same team....the losing one------4 in a row, albeit we all were top 7 give or take every round, we still got our shit pushed in anywhere from 300-900(+/-).
Your points about low experience players and douche bag high ranks-(but they also might be letting a friend play on their account) are solid points. Did you consider at least 78.5946358473562937652743865% of players are worried about their K/D:r?
One more thing id like for you to consider, if you've ever played BF1942, you'd know that some maps WERE MEANT for one faction to have the advantage.( For instance: Omaha Beach...the US were fucked, It would take a team of sheer luck, determination, and teamwork to overwhelm the Germans on that map). And thats one thing i like about BF3(especially AK).

All in all, team scramble has its pros and cons. The way i look at it, if im receiving the ass raping or dishing it out; that allows me time to learn new tactics, change my avenue of approach, or do things that make the round(s) more enjoyable for me....Its a game, sometimes you lose, sometimes you win!