Admins Defending a Toggle bot.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2012
So me and a friend we're playing in your server, as per usual, suddenly, a guy begins to peak around corners and instantly headshotting EVERYONE, nearly our entire team calls him on it, and what happens? The admin begins to say we are full of shit and kicks people when we call him out on it.

I'm posting this just to see the reaction of said admin, please TBG, I like playing your servers, but some of your admins have no idea what bots are and how they work. Please educate them on the different types of bots and how to deal with people who are trying to tell them what's going on. Instead of being rude and kicking us with no real reason.

"SoftTone has been kicked from server reason: "bye""
The thing is, after we called him he stopped, it's easy to use a toggle bot, but whatever, I won't go against an admin.

P.S. I even said in server right before you kicked me with a horrible excuse for a reason, that his score isn't why I called it.

Victor- TcRENNO

"Oh and I am sure your 150 hours trumps my 650 hours of looking for hackers." Years of playing Video games makes it easy, your 500+ hours to my years.
Whining everyday? This is the first time I've ever seen you on server in a month of playing here and I've only said two people have ever hacked, the other one was banned for wall hacking thank you very much.

And it's hard to prove a toggle bot due to he can turn it on and off when he wants too, but I can try to run fraps next time I see him and post it for you, sound good?

Also, 1 month of playing and I play casual, not try hard. Anyway, you done? Cause I'd like to get back to playing.
SoftTone if you find evidence we would gladly except it. As far as Renno playing that server, probably damn near every day he isn't deployed or has duties I see that man, balls, sixer etc. We have a large following for metro within the clan. But as that has come about we have been trying to give our other servers attention so you do tend to see less and less of them. But saying Renno isn't in there everyday with these people is a laugh for us.

We have logs containing every single kill, what weapon and where it hit. So if someone goes 50-1 and its grenades we will know its grenades. Not that they are not using esp and a screen shot cleaner to find their targets. But thats hard to prove. We won't ban people we cant prove or we have no evidence for. When they come to appeal and its reviewed we will overturn what looks like an unwarranted ban. You would not want to be banned for no reason and neither would anyone else.

Also we don't have to be in the server to see chat. I follow the chats live from my cell phone on a daily basis. Renno has the same capability. So you might not see us but we see you :p
Agreed Rain, the only reason I posted this at all is because I was kicked for saying he was hacking, and instead of kindly asking me to stop and not saying "stfu troll kid, he isn't hacking dumbfuck" it agrivated me to see an admin be a complete douche bag. I'm sorry if I pissed him off some how but I didn't intend to insult him, or anyone else if I did. I'll see if I can get fraps to not drop my FPS to the floor and see if I can catch some of the shenanigans.

Thank you Rain for being respectable and non-douche bag.
Well we used to have a rule and these days its kinda an unspoken one. Keep hackusations to yourself. It gets annoying to see someone say "Hacker, hacker, hacker, hackers" 20 times in a round.

If you have a secondary drive fraps to that. USB 2.0 interface probably wont cut it even at 30 fps. SATA internal or external and a decent drive, the cpu headroom is needed as well of course. I record 1080P 60 FPS average is around 68 MB/s which is a little rough for continous but peak writes can hit 100 MB/s and thats rough for mechanical drives.
I'll give it a try, and now that I know of the unspoken rule I'll keep the thought in mind and only record and screen shot for now on, so I don't get screamed at and called "faggot, fuck tard" etc.

@TcRENNO Sorry to cause you problems, but when people are assholes to me, I'm one right back.
So to end all of this pointless fighting, I'll say sorry and back down.
I guess I missed him, like you said, sorry for causing trouble again.

Didn't mean to piss anyone off but I got ticked when I got kicked, so again, sorry for the trouble.