A little help...


Registered User
Apr 27, 2008
I hit install, got through the 3 getting ready portions, and then in the install I get an MD5 error on Sound_Client.zip. Now, I already cleared out my cache, and I'm in the process of downloading the mother again, but anyone have any other ideas for someone that might be getting a similar error?

I have both versions of the game DVD and Download...Same error but in the different file when installing from DVD
im not sure what the problem is, but the only thing that would cure this 100% is to reformat but there might be another way.
Wow, that's some pretty weird shit lmao.... who would've thought the clock would do anything... weirdness.

Anyway, if it doesn't work - try checking your memory for errors with memtest or something similar... if memory's bad all kinds of crazy shit happens.
That's a good thought. Killa, have you run memtest on your memory? Also, I know you added to the memory you had, are they the same brand-crucial? Sometimes when you mix brands, wierd stuff happens too. Not that it should, but there you go.
Yeah, thank you dudes for your help. I think it is a memory, last night I couldnt even install windows without getting a BSOD. So I am running on one good stick right now and about to do a memtest on the rest.
You might not have a bad stick per se.

Sometimes, mobos have really bad default settings for memory - wrong voltage/speed/timings etc.

Before going through the trouble to return it and so forth, you can try reading up on suggested voltages/timings etc. and instead of leaving stuff on "auto" (or similar) in the bios, try to set them manually to what they should be...

Test with memtest+ from a bootable CD for best results.

You can get the "ultimate boot CD" look it up - it's really good for this kinda stuff...
Good point, I hadn't thought to mention that; probably because I have the MB bios(s) from hell where everything has to be set manually. I'm so used to setting everything manually, I forgot most people don't do that ,as they don't need to.
I still have memory problems. The default voltage is 1.9v and the Dominators I have require 2.1v (mobo usually doesn't boot and gives DRAM mem error at 1.9v). If I have to flash the mobo or do anything that resets back to defaults, I have to switch out the memory for some cheap stuff I bought, then set the voltage, resave, shutdown, reinstall Dominators, and restart. Such a pain.
ASUS Striker II Formula. Thought that would be better than the other choices. Been having probs since I got it in Feb but new ROM seems to be working a bit better.
It's the memory, I checked, one of the sticks are fucked, hence all the problems.. Thank you for all your help. 015 026
Gives you an excuse to upgrade:) If you take the cheap way and replace the one stick with the same speed. Its up to you.