Recent content by Ratchet91X

  1. R

    What's going on TBG!

    Sup fellas, been a while. Hope everyone is doing well! As for me just working hard here in a local Pharmacy. Anyways, just wanted to check in and send a shout out to you guys. Take care!
  2. R

    Reporting a player

    Whats up guys!! Just wanted to add another pic. This dude has been sitting back at Echo the entire match.
  3. R

    oX_-oBIGBOSS-FoX ...43 kdr Maybe Im missing something
  4. R

    Deployments to Afghanistan announced for 3,600

    I talked to Renno a few days ago on TS, he is actually headed to Germany pretty soon.
  5. R

    Your sex life in a movie title

    Deep In Asia!
  6. R

    It has been a gas folks...

    It was nice to see you in game again once I came back. Hope it wont be permanent bro. See ya on the battlefield again, hopefully soon!
  7. R


    Thanks Fast.
  8. R


    If possible could someone reset lockers please. For some reason everyone is reset in there and unlocks are also reset.
  9. R

    Ban Appeal

    I immediately saw his misspelled word and since he was a regular since our 24/7 went live I guided him through the steps to ask for it to be removed. It happened at the very end of the game so I'm not 100% sure that it actually took affect.
  10. R

    SVU had me laughing my ass off for a minute.

    I used to watch that show faithfully before going to Korea for 3 years. What the hell happened to Elliot, did he get killed off or just left the show? I been to lazy to go back and pick up from the past seasons.
  11. R

    Ban Appeal

    And you also boasted about the filter not banning you. The jokes on you jack!
  12. R

    the human centipede

    Not only that, but my son's Mom is still there. Two good reasons to stay far away from there.
  13. R

    the human centipede

    Lol, we passed that movie around while I was in Afghanistan. Honestly I think the acting was worse than the swallowing feces part lol.
  14. R

    Happy Birthday x=FAST=x

    Happy B-Day Fast!!
  15. R

    Applying for Membership

    About time bro. +1