Recent content by Fatherclive

  1. Fatherclive

    Gunship Pilots Are An Odd Bunch...

    A knife through plexiglass ?.Uh Uh
  2. Fatherclive

    What happens when you steal a hackers computer

    HAHA great stuff
  3. Fatherclive


    It might be old but thats just the way I play,am I doing something wrong??
  4. Fatherclive

    buebuebueub buebeubebue

    HaHa or Blablabla lol
  5. Fatherclive

    WTF! "Super Sniper"?

    Love the action man shot,but I think you call them GI Joe's maybe
  6. Fatherclive


    Iwant aset of teeth like that
  7. Fatherclive

    F... HELL

    It wont be my guitar Hero
  8. Fatherclive

    High Impulse Weapon System

    At least theres no back wash to fry your buddys
  9. Fatherclive

    The toughest Truck in the world

    I love Topgear ,they never give you any BS about cars and always keep it funny
  10. Fatherclive

    Happy Birthday Beaver

    Bit belated but Happy birthday anyway
  11. Fatherclive

    Support the troops

    Quick work ,I appriciate it,cheers
  12. Fatherclive

    Support the troops

    I know I'm a new boy on the site but as an ex- squaddie I felt it was a bit off that there is no UK flag in the Support the troop Icon:med3d-army::med3d-army:
  13. Fatherclive

    Where I Get my Two Favorite Sayings From

    I didnt like the turtle I hit with the car in FL last week
  14. Fatherclive

    Fight the =SFF= Clan

    I'm up for a war just about any time