Recent content by Benzen

  1. B

    What are your 10 favorite First Person Shooters of all time?

    oh damn... Goldeneye 64 Duck hunt (nes) Bf2142 I played lotta fps, but imo nothing beats goldeneyes64 on multiplsyer mode lol you rememebr the fun when we had four controllers, the ''oddjob prohibited'' rule.., that game was an instant classic. hehe proximity mines in the toilets... I dont...
  2. B

    Battlefield 2142 1.51 (hopefully final) Beta

    Damn, I thought that patch was dead before birth. Good news, thx !
  3. B

    SAW 3D

    Watched it last week-end and it's a real good movie. I saw all of em and whats really cool about those movies is that they are all tied together and they are also real hard to predict . The end punch is really awesome. Lotta references to SAW 1. As for the 3D, they could have done better...
  4. B

    Fun with scammers

    I recently getting lotta new ''friends'' requests on my msn, all cuties who pretend to know me in real life. The weird parts are : - That they all speaking english and I live in the french part of canada -If I already talked to one of those playmates in real life, no matter how drunk I was...
  5. B

    I love GIFs.

  6. B


    Lol, never saw that show. I really tought it was you but to be honest, I had no idea why you would show me a picture of you, shirtless. Anyway, it was me for real. People got plenty of pictures of me dropping my pants randomly on any occasions and they send em back to me via hotmail. I got...
  7. B


    S4r, its you on that pic ? Well, you showed yours in my thread so I'll show mine.
  8. B


    It crossed my mind but I was already score leader so I didnt wanted to get kicked/banned and say goodbye to my medal. I got lotta buddies playing on your server so it'd suck if I couldnt join em because of a ban.
  9. B


    Hi, I play often on your servers on 2142 and I just wanted to check if I got reported for some random bug I encountered. I placed a beacon at silo 2 in suez and for some reason, that beacon made me spawn into the enemy titan's hangar. I didnt kill anyone/any consoles in that titan because it...