Recent content by Acidrain

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    OutpostGamez Giving Away BFHeroes Beta Keys!

    In order to Participate, you will need to produce one banner of your choice 468x33, or a button 88x33, or a BFHeroes Wallpaper and lastly banner representing OPG 1001x130. Competitiion wil end by the Friday 17th 12pm midnight US Pacific Time. If you arent a graphics kind of person, send in a...
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    OutpostGamez - Exclusive Interview UnderWater Wars Squad Shooter

    The gang over at Outpostgamez had a sit down with the producers of the upcoming release of UnderWater Wars. He talks about some a little of everything, from the underwater environment to the land combat and much more?.. OPG: Could you tell us a little about how Underwater Wars will separate...
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    Gamers Corner Podcast #4 - Dedicated to FPS and Console

    To all GC listeners, we have just uploaded our new Frontlines: Fuel of War special to our site at At the beginning we do touch briefly on the MLG and Shadowrun discussion, the latest Bungie update, and the new videos of the R6V2 MLG Map. Our guest, Doorstop, has...