Xbox, Call of duty?


Registered User
Jul 14, 2014
Do we have members that play XBox or list of gamer tags?

How about a call of duty clan?
Used to support servers for Call of duty 4 and 5 world at war PC but since then PC version has been shit. Not sure who here plays it using console.
Looks like that's it. There was also a youtube video according to another applicant. These copy cats dont have a website though which is why they are coming here. True Born Gaming is not a common name. He is a little shit, probably are a dead group by now.
when you click on their facebook doesnt take you anywhere. 500 active members is what they say but that could be a false statement.
im fully aware was just showing the post that's all. so id guess these kids are searching tbg and finding us as they are all way younger but then again what do you expect from consoles which Is why I love my pc gaming.
I got 360 and a one. Irishian88j is my tag. I play alot of fps. If you friend me just say who you are in the message otherwise I may delete.
@manny8083 I finally got mine on Hd after the move.

He had a 40" CRT TV. Thing weighed more than I did. I refused to move it anywhere.