Swedish Kids' Song about Genitals is Super Catchy, and WTF

Here is the laughable attempt at google translate.

Popi-dip-pop snippedi snip! Here comes his dick in full gallop. He no pants have dangling dick and ass bar. Snippe-dip-dip-snippedi-do! Snippan is impetuous, yes it can you believe.Even on an old lady snippan sitting there so elegant. So different with almost the same thing Pee pee through Willie or snippan if you're a girl.Willie and snippan what a lovely bunch Snippan and Willie sing our chorus Willie and snippan available on our body Snippe-dip-dip-snippedi-snip! Popi-dip-op snippedi-dick hanging out and throw on a small body Snippe-dip-dip-snippedi-do Snippan is cool, Baby I Love You.
So how do we add Snoppen and snippan to the chat profanity filters? Or can we use this as our own private code in chat?