Soulzz: Help fund the tattoo! NSFW

Who is the one who made the epic shirt? Lol.
This is fucking epic as fuck. Also, WTF?

You should have googled "Soulzz is Gay"

Me and Renno
Due to the massive amoutn of interest in this, I have started sketches to crowd source the idea. I have found the right unicorn, but the hair is the wrong color. Hoping someone with the photo shop skillz can help make normal color pink, and the tail and mane purple. dick horn leave or add texture lol Then I want him either farting a soulzz is gay rainbow, or jerking it. Yes it is specific, but for this investment and amount of lulz, i want it right. here is what I have so far:
So are you getting the tat or is blitz? Slighlty confucious on this lovely Monday afternoon crash.

Can it say Soulzz is gay as cum coming out of the human horn?
Blitz. I do not nor do I plan to have a tattoo on my body. I will however fund one if its the right one. Still waiting to see soulzz post in here and help become immortal on the interwebz.

I suppose it can yes, so long as it is super-ultra-mega-gay
OK good. I'd hate to run into you locally and see that in real life.

Too bad blitz won't tramp stamp this.
Due to the massive amoutn of interest in this, I have started sketches to crowd source the idea. I have found the right unicorn, but the hair is the wrong color. Hoping someone with the photo shop skillz can help make normal color pink, and the tail and mane purple. dick horn leave or add texture lol Then I want him either farting a soulzz is gay rainbow, or jerking it. Yes it is specific, but for this investment and amount of lulz, i want it right. here is what I have so far:
OK. My coworkers neice will sketch something up for us as she does this for a local tattoo guy.
I have this paranoid feeling that someone is going to get the tattoo just to have bragging rights... If I new that this was going to be this kind of weird party, I would have stuck my dick in the mash potatoes a long time ago...
im all for your craziness however the line will have to be drawn somewhere. I guess iill know that line when we get a better idea
Due to the massive amoutn of interest in this, I have started sketches to crowd source the idea. I have found the right unicorn, but the hair is the wrong color. Hoping someone with the photo shop skillz can help make normal color pink, and the tail and mane purple. dick horn leave or add texture lol Then I want him either farting a soulzz is gay rainbow, or jerking it. Yes it is specific, but for this investment and amount of lulz, i want it right. here is what I have so far:

Dude, This is a must. You have to put a TBG tag on it's ass.
so after re reading some of this there will be no cocks for horns or cocks anywhere for that matter
so after re reading some of this there will be no cocks for horns or cocks anywhere for that matter

buddy... I like tattoos and I have a few... unless this beast is in deed a deadly work of art, I wouldn't do it... I suggest we get @MacN8r to do the design (apparently he know how to paint/draw)... a good design.... and if it's good, then i'll get a similar version of it done on my left thigh or left calf muscle area (I love tattoos btw)... but is has to be a very good design... by someone who knows how to draw... not google sh@t.... I can't believe I'm actually willing to do the sha@t!.... but, a good tat is a great tat!

Oh... I suspect that there will be a good amount of drinking afterwards????
rofl wow!

as for the tat, Pending the redesign I guess
that first one on @HomebrewerCraig list of silly pics that's a good fart stance only it would have to actually be a unicorn and not the guy. and @f1N63r if everyone followed urbandictionary society would be more doomed than already is. also we are not just taking in google images just getting ideas, and honestly im not sure why im supporting this . @Turbo your original unicorn isn't bad but after homebrewers pic right there im leaning that way great for the rainbow fart and a tail dancing in its exit