Rust - Some changes we regulars would like to make.


Sep 2, 2012
So far, things seem to be going well. But most of us regulars are noticing that, while we do have a decent server setup, new players who find our server or stumble in seem to disappear after a while. We have asked if we can make some changes to be more appealing to newer players.

- We would like to have the ability to craft explosives added back into the server. Some players have asked if explosives are available to craft and left when told no. We think if this ability is added back in, we can bring more folks to the server.

- Possibility of adding an economy plugin to provide more incentive for farming / raiding. would make a better risk vs reward.

- Owner removal plugin - Destroy misplaced stuff with your pickaxe. It will drop the resources used to make whatever you break.

- Airdrops should be changed to occur when a player is on, as we almost never have had 10 players on the server at one time.

- Possibly set up starter kit to get people going with the following:
(1) Bow
(25) Arrow
(1) Leather Helmet
(1) Small Medkit
(3) Cooked Chicken Breast
(1) Sleeping bag
+ the default items!

- Add a ranking system (similar to BF4 servers) where people can see the top scoring player.

Optional - Maybe adding a quest system or mission system for additional content.

Just our two cents. Anyone else feel free to add to it or object. We all want to see the server kickin!

- GhstOps6
All of this is awesome. Maybe you could add some pants with the starter kit lolol (I'm not sure what is already in the default items, sorry if pants are already one of them).
no pants hahahah i want u guys to see my penis ahah i love this idea
I just got the game today this suggestions are sound!
So far, things seem to be going well. But most of us regulars are noticing that, while we do have a decent server setup, new players who find our server or stumble in seem to disappear after a while. We have asked if we can make some changes to be more appealing to newer players.

- We would like to have the ability to craft explosives added back into the server. Some players have asked if explosives are available to craft and left when told no. We think if this ability is added back in, we can bring more folks to the server.

This is irrelevant. Some players will leave when told explosives are available to craft. Which one is the more popular option and the "right one" at this stage in the game is all but clear to me.

- Possibility of adding an economy plugin to provide more incentive for farming / raiding. would make a better risk vs reward.

The possibility of adding an economy plugin would provide a rapid spiral and extremely exaggerated difference between players who play a lot and those who play little. Think someone who plays for several hours every day buying tens or hundreds of explosives (and then raiding people's places and buying more explosives with the raided material, which is also the reason to disable crafting of explosives) vs someone who plays 1 hour every few days.

- Owner removal plugin - Destroy misplaced stuff with your pickaxe. It will drop the resources used to make whatever you break.

Sounds nice. You should code it, because it doesn't exist. The last time I checked, there was a glitchy plugin coded by someone who didn't speak English very well, with configuration which didn't work, so it couldn't be restricted and anyone could destroy anyone else's buildings, admin, næb, regular, or not. I can install that if you'd like.

- Airdrops should be changed to occur when a player is on, as we almost never have had 10 players on the server at one time.

Every airdrop is guaranteed to contain at least 2 explosive charges or roughly equivalent number of grenades. Someone who is alone on the server will receive an endless stream of guaranteed, uncontested explosives. Same as if there's not enough players to contest.

- Possibly set up starter kit to get people going with the following:
(1) Bow
(25) Arrow
(1) Leather Helmet
(1) Small Medkit
(3) Cooked Chicken Breast
(1) Sleeping bag
+ the default items!

Terrible idea IMO, will bring in lots of people who aren't committed to the game and remove an important element of struggle when dead with no items, effectively removing half of the gameplay. Then again, if enough people want it, whatever.

- Add a ranking system (similar to BF4 servers) where people can see the top scoring player.

Sure, I'll be right on that, and I'll implement airplane battles in the meantime.

Optional - Maybe adding a quest system or mission system for additional content.

The plugins that are out there for that are simplistic, potentially glitchy, and I think they're pretty dumb in their current state. If you really think you'd enjoy getting 10 metal pieces for things like "go kill 2 wolves," let me know. Meanwhile, I'll be working on missions to add to the airplane battles.

Just our two cents. Anyone else feel free to add to it or object. We all want to see the server kickin!

IMO the best way to do that is to be friendly to new players, let them do their thing at least for a while, not abuse admin by spawning items or kicking people if they kill you (probably one of the highest complaints on the forums) and that's about it.

I'd advise setting up separate polls for the ideas that you really think through and still think might actually make the game better, not sure how to gauge interest in this otherwise.

Just remember, too much screwing with the game will make it a different game altogether.
Hey Heat,
I found all them.

Ownershitp removal---->

Now I know you don't want C4, you have control of the luda config, and you can change it, you get set a amount its almost impossible would take days.

Alot of servers have a basic KIT only allowed at beginning.

Now this my opinion. The Max members last three days have been 8, lower airdrop amount should be good. or you have the option to have one run every dusk. I posted a thread on Rust server asking people to join and about 6 people join and left cause, nothing on server if you look at top list for rust servers they have alot to offer. No we don't have alot to offer for the guest of our server. I agree with poll. one should be posted so we can vote!!!! <3 <3

The thread has some complaints about stuff not working, glitches, etc. I was looking at the other one, which is the one that this one looks like it was forked from, so I need to test... maybe tomorrow, I really don't want to tonight. I'll consider this one I guess, but needs to be tested. From one poor English speaking guy to another, I guess, but maybe this one actually works?

About economy, sure. Like I said, it exists, but I'm not sure what you would want out of it, and what the point is to begin with. Sure, it might be there, but will it contribute to the game in any way, take away from it in any way, break it in any way, and would it be fun? I'm not sure... and then I still think it will contribute to people differentiating from others based on playtime even more than they do now, except if the buy price is really low and the sell prices really high, which make the plugin effectively meaningless.

Edit: By the way, someone mentioned "hiding" bases to "protect" from raiding. If you're relatively new to the game, you should know that that's not possible for various reasons. Expect your place to be raided if explosive charges are available. It will happen.
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No pants in the starter kid. If they get all that. They can easily make some.
No need to buy another server lets just meet in the middle? Everyone has out play style why not take a look at top servers, and look at what they are doing! All great servers learn from other servers and it takes tweeting to get the best server! Some weeks there might be sry spells with players join so spawns so be sue to amount of people u have on server! Sorry about my English iPhone auto text blows


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if you get another server go through another hosting company so that way when one is getting DDosed, we can always play on other server
People were also asking if the air drop can be set to 5-8 people to start. We had 11 in yesterday and it never dropped.
Honestly, all the providers hosting rust are SHIT. This garry guy who developed the game is giving exclusive rights to small server providers only.

They all suck when it comes to DDOS, all large GSP suck too. Only a couple good ones and they are not on the list to host Rust servers. My preferred provider NFO is not on the list.

Our current provider (HFBservers) said they have a good established router in Quebec canada and dallas texas (+50 every month which is costly)

I went with quebec, ping should be fine for almost everyone. Let me know.

Second server IP
- 2nd server is there (in process of config).

- Crafting restrictions removed, loot tables edit removed (no idea what's in the default ones that come with the game, simply removed the plugin altogether). You can learn how to make anything and craft it.

- Added welcome kit consisting of (Leather Helmet because you can keep your hat on). You automatically receive it on respawn (and 1st ever login to the server), along with a notification message. Let me know if respawn isn't working. :

"Stone Hatchet",
"Camp Fire",
"Sleeping Bag",
"Hunting Bow",
"name": "Arrow",
"amount": 25
"Small Medkit",
"Leather Helmet",
"name": "Cooked Chicken Breast",
"amount": 3

- Added ownership remover plugin - supposedly you hit your shit with a pickaxe (first hit gives a warning, second one removes). No idea whether it works and whether it's secure. The author's English is poor, as I mentioned, and I don't feel like going through lua shit tonight, so just get together and test I guess.

- Added economy plugin, not configured right now (stay tuned, will post in private discussions).

I need to go through the MOTD and remove the stuff about explosives and rename the server, in progress...
Went through the MOTD, modified the name (needs restart, tomorrow morning if I remember) and the MOTD. Economy throws a weird error in the log sometimes, but seems to work. It might be glitchy, needs testing.

Second server is up. If you can't see them (server browser's getting overwhelmed due to the game's popularity), the way to connect is:

Start the game. Press F1. Copy/paste this:

For the economy/starter kits/craftable C4 server with the buildings: net.connect ""
For the new server, old configuration except airdrops raised to 20, clean landscape: net.connect ""

Then, you can bookmark them by hitting the star in your "history."

If someone needs admin for the new server and should have it, send me a PM.

As far as economy goes, there is a thread in private discussions about it. Right now, it's obviously a placeholder/joke. You can buy wood for 9001 Scrotums :) ... stay tuned I guess.
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Economy is turned off for now, still not sure where/if people are going with that one. They also seem buggy.

I found out a problem where mutanimals/zombies weren't dropping loot and it's corrected on the other server. They drop as before now.