PC may be fucked


Registered User
Aug 19, 2011
Women and technology.

The pc's full of sticky, sugary guava rockstar energy drink. About a pint of that shit. The can had a plate balanced on top, on the edge of the desk, with a nice big 6" fan just under the radiator compartment to scatter it all over the guts of my mean machine. So she pages for the plate and tips the can right over.

Fortunately the PSU is right at the bottom so I think it survived. It was protected from serious damage by the graphics card, which is probably less good news. The machine cut out as soon as the sticky shit hit the fan,

If you think now might be a good time to suggest I put the radiator compartment to good use and invest in liquid cooling, you are seriously misjudging your audience. Although if you've got a 970 going cheap, I may be in touch quite soon.

I think I've got all the liquid out. I've used paper towels and a lot of vacuuming. But I've no clue how long I should wait before I risk putting any more current through this thing. I'm worried about drops I can't reach shorting out the CPU fan or the PSU. Any thoughts guys?

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...because the PC's in fucking intensive care.
Damn that is shitty news...the type of news I'm at a loss of words for... I guess I would disassemble the whole thing at least and dry everything completely before risking turning it back on.
I'd also worry about the liquid settling in the connectors. Consider pulling connectors apart? Maybe low temp heat +fan+ 2 weeks LOL. Good luck. Those life lessons are a bitch.
Did you lose anything?

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...because the PC's in fucking intensive care.
Yes, I spilled a lrg cup of joe(as truck driver) on my gaming computer......needless to say.....Next stop BEST BUY...It put me out 2400 dollars for a 99cent cup of joe.. I use wd40 to clean(it,s the best) so I do understand this matter, SO do your best and all things will work itself out.

I'd wait at lead 48hrs to make sure all is dried out and yes, take that video card apart by removing the fan shroud and clean it off with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol.
I'd keep all components in a sack of rice overnight to make sure they're 100% dry.
I'd keep all components in a sack of rice overnight to make sure they're 100% dry.
Have you got a good electronics store near you? You can buy some spray electrical cleaner for contacts that won't eat up the board but get rid of the goo. Good luck Bro
Dave's right that contact cleaner is great stuff. I used it many times on electrical components. It would strip that sugar out of there for sure. Also, it would take care of any lingering water.
I seem to have dodged a bullet. The gunk seems to have gone out of its way not to hit anything. Most of it ended up running down the side, and the little that got in either stayed in the radiator compartment or went straight to the bottom of the case. The PSU has a healthy standoff, so it seems there's no moisture on anything important.

It's filthy inside though; I had no idea there was that much dust in the world. I'll definitely be looking out for that contact cleaner. Wet wipes are good for the plastic parts and fan blades but they can't get into heatsink fins.

I'm just glad we stopped my Oddaughter from sitting on the video card when I opened the case. Save of the century.
I seem to have dodged a bullet. The gunk seems to have gone out of its way not to hit anything. Most of it ended up running down the side, and the little that got in either stayed in the radiator compartment or went straight to the bottom of the case. The PSU has a healthy standoff, so it seems there's no moisture on anything important.

It's filthy inside though; I had no idea there was that much dust in the world. I'll definitely be looking out for that contact cleaner. Wet wipes are good for the plastic parts and fan blades but they can't get into heatsink fins.

I'm just glad we stopped my Oddaughter from sitting on the video card when I opened the case. Save of the century.
Idea for radiator compartment: fill with tampons or pads.
rubbing alcohol and a tooth brush. Coat that shit and Scrub scrub scrub. Might be able to save some stuff. I spilled coolant onto my 8800 GT but was able to save it through a ton of rubbing alcohol and scrubbing. Although the mobo didn't fair so good because the coolant was highly corrosive and ate the gold fingers on the PCI E literally lol
Don't worry bro! Wait a few hours and rub the parts down with a soft cloth and some alcohol... I know how "awful" these types of issues are but i'm sure you did no harm.