One For All You Bloomberg Fans

Cool, so just because I'm in my 20's means that I'm irresponsible, undisciplined, not educated, oh and susceptible to influence from my peers to the point that I'm a danger to society. I have worked damn near full time since 16 to help pay the fucking bills of my parents who were dying of cancer. I was taught to shoot to put food on the table and to defend my rights as an American citizen. The actions of a select few do not make everyone of a generation bad. You want to know why this generation is failing hard? Take a good hard look in the mirror.
God i hate stereotypical bullshit
Like Cplmac said, college is starting to become useless. There was a time when they taught you how to learn and explore the universe that god gave us. Now they mostly focus on telling you what to think, how to act, what you can say, and most importantly what you cannot do.
Nice thread. There is no "one size fits all approach" here. Picking an age when people can own firearms will get those who can handle the responsibility and those that can't. No two people are the same, we all have different upbringings and experiences in this crazy thing called life and that is great! But saying something like no one should own a gun till age XX tramples on everyone responsible enough to have them. Life isn't perfect, you can't guarantee safety with silly rules, and no matter how safe you are things in life can come at you quickly. Live every day to the fullest, live/laugh/love hard, and be nice to your fellow man. Guns rock, they are SUPER fun, offer many benefits in addition to many added responsibilities in daily life. Drawing arbitrary lines is never the best method of control for anything.
Well. We trust 16 yr olds (sometimes 14 and 15 even) with the responsibility of driving a car.

All they have to do is pass a simple test, and they can go as fast as they want on the highway - until they get caught or kill someone. Even then they might not lose their license.
Need I take the analogy further? I think we are intelligent here.

Net Out: In the USA, with this thing called the constitution, age is ALWAYS going to fail as a measurement tool. There are plenty of people in their 30's and 40s who should have their Drivers License taken away - there are plenty of 14 year old I trust with guns more than some of my peers. Blanket rules/statements are not the answer to 99% of the problems out there.
yeah i know and i love it! this bloomberg idiot needs all the "correct" & "accurate" press that he so justly deserves!
Bloomberg, and the whole lot just like him (cough..cough all the now tenured college pros.), are fascists at their core. Just ask anybody, you can find still kicking, that experienced life in Europe during the 30's and 40's. It's funny as shit to hear my Mom, ol world Italian plucked out of Rome by Dad in 45, and her friends watch CNN. They know and get pretty freaking

Responsibility...shit, what does Bloomberg know about responsibility? Reminds me of something George Orwell once said...."Enlightened people seldom or never possess a sense of responsibility."

As for a college don't need it to make a good living anymore. Overpriced and overrated!