mav patching

Hopefully the February patch... Also, I noticed a poll on the right which stated "Which of these 2012 shooters are you most looking forward to?". The highest voted is Call of Duty 9. Like really??!! That happy to get a game that is the exact same as all the rest of them.
Gay, MAVing might be cheap but its fun and it creates many lols :/
I won't be sorry to see that stupidity go away. I wonder what the idiots who ride them will do for fun now, probably glitch something else.
I've never used mine but I've got to try it on another server before its too late.

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Hope they nerf the USAS and Mk3A1 after this, those guns do way more damage than MAV surfing.
Really? An overpowered gun is more of a problem than glitching the game? This is the same logic that accepts hacking as a way of leveling the field against better players.
i think sonar is referring to road kills. Yes those are a bit of lols. FUK U balls still having nightmares from this!!!!!! SKIDMARKS!!!!!!!!!
I have no problems with roadkills but high roofing is a constant problem. & LOL for MAV killing Fasty..little bitch. I can kill a million fucks; but, one mav kill with fast makes me cream my pants.