Infantry server


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
I think shingle would be a good map to have fun on. Its nice and spread out. I played on Gibraltar and it was just a mess when you are on PAC. Shingle you dont have spawn camp issues.

What do you think?

1)Camp G/Shingle


2)Shingle Only


3)Camp G only
Before I hooked up with you guys, you had a city map server. I loved it. Camp G is cool, but I can only do so many rounds. Since folks really love it, we could do a rotation like this: Gib, Gib, Shingle, Gib, Gib, Cerebere, Gib, Gib, Tunis, etc

my 2 cents
As far as I'm concerned, the more variety the better. I actually have had some desire to play conquest lately, but I can't stand Camp G. all the time, so a rotation would be welcome.

If you have to rotate a few maps, I'd really recommend:
Camp G, Shingle, Cerbere, Tunis, and repeat.

I like Berlin quite a bit, but a lot of people don't. Belgrade is nice too...
Tunis might be fun. I've only ever played 32 person map of that.
Nades in Belgrade? There's a lot of PK rocketing usually around the balconies, but the bigger concern is usually longer-range weapons...

A lot of people don't like the vehicle/infantry mix, because you have to have a lot of teamwork between engineers / vehicles and infantry to do well... but it's a really unique map which is cool.
What does everyone else think in terms of a Camp G, Shingle, Cerbere and Tunis rotation?
Fast - the infantry server is great!! Played there quite a bit yesterday. As admining goes, the biggest problem was noobs attacking the uncaps and fighting commanders. I played it pretty tough and warned and kicked my ass off (no bans). Just wanted to set the standard. The server was plumb full all day, so folks like it!! I would maybe throw in Tunis. Plus, I'm a fan of Berlin and Belgrade.
So far so good!! Thanks!!
Mostly love the new map rotation on the Infantry Server, but Minsk is a deal breaker. That's when the server goes down by half or more. We gotta get a smaller map in there, OR just change it to conquest with vehicles with the maps we have. Minsk is just way too big for infantry only. But thanks so much for mixing it up with the different maps.
np i will be removing that map tomorrow. I'll see if i can replace it with another map
i'm rather tempted in having all conquest maps in one server with vehicles but i will wait to see how well this infantry only holds, seems to be doing fine last couple of days
I think we should just leave it as it is as people don't like it to be changing constantly.