I'm going to be a bit scarce for the next few weeks or so....


Registered User
Jan 3, 2014
There are some problems happening at home and it has really killed my desire to anything. I have no desire to eat, I'm not sleeping properly, and don't see the point in playing games right now. I don't know how long I will be in this funk, but I probably wont be too active for a little until this hopefully clears up.
Hang in there man! Life is like riding on a raft in the ocean....sometimes you are on the top of the wave and other times you will be at the bottom. Next wave is coming....
Hey guys. Things have been a bit rocky for me these past few weeks, but most of the problems have come to a resolution or I was able to push away. I will slowly start to be online more. So you will be seeing me in Day Z again and BF4 once I get my free copy. Also on another note I did go ahead and build my new computer so things are pretty sweet. Ill post a picture of my new set up soon.
Most of us have been in situations like that. Just roll with the punches.
glad to see things working better man! Take it easy and dont forget to relax from time to time=D!