Help with UCAV

i need to unlock it aswell i will help you help me help you help me help yourself help me help myself help you so we both get it :)
I need to unlock as well...
tuesday night..IM good for that. I also will be on tinight binary to help you owith the jet ribbons if you need
Going to the store to get some beer, then I am available to knock these out if anyone wants to.
Not sure if you guys did this or not but I am down to help as well since I need to unlock it still. 3 guys in an apc and one bomber on an empty CR server should do the trick.

Edit: I'm a dumbass. This is to unlock the airburst feature of the ucav which makes it way more effective from what I hear. Need those jet fighter ribbons first to get ucav. I'm about the easiest target in a jet so can help there as well.
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