Everytime someone asks if 16GB of ram was need or the overclock.


Mar 6, 2011
Currently got 2 things running that will take hours. It would take a lot longer with less ram and a lower clock speed:


I kinda want to reboot to find out why im currently only clocked to 4.16 but I don't want to ruin that uptime either.

Disk number 1 is suggesting I need an SSD however lol. Any 4TB SSD's out there yet? No seriously this operation has me running out of working disk space until its done.
What software are you running? Why do you have so many processes?
What software are you running? Why do you have so many processes?

One of them is 7zip which is using 11Gb of ram to compress last months website backups which when done is about 90GB of crap I should probably delete but it will only be 2.75 GB once compressed.

Then I am batch encoding TV shows I was recording for Liz. 30 of those processes probably belong to adobe alone lol.
Basically my pc is for gaming and schoolwork.



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A basic user does not need 16 GB ram. if you are doing more things like what you are doing then you need do. Ram is pretty cheap so adding 16GB will not hurt your system or wallet. We run 12 processor servers with 32Gb ram. The basic rule was 2Gb per proc.
A basic user does not need 16 GB ram. if you are doing more things like what you are doing then you need do. Ram is pretty cheap so adding 16GB will not hurt your system or wallet. We run 12 processor servers with 32Gb ram. The basic rule was 2Gb per proc.

Ram was cheap when I built my machine too. You'll pay more now for 8 GB than I did for 16. That's what's screwed up. I was going to throw this in a 2U and colocate it but I never built a new machine.

Most gamers aren't basic users if you ask me. They can try and claim they are but more and more everyday are turning to streaming and doing montages. 8GB will you get you by even then. But with say a hexacore and 16GB of ram you can encode your latest montage while gaming and to me I like that.
Its throttled down and 5 minutes of uptime. What kind of power saving hippie are you :p
Did a fresh reboot. I made a BF4 vid using the ever popular uber-awesome Windows Movie Maker, and after "closing" it (2 days prior to this, seriously, great job, Mr. Gates) I saw it was still running in the process list and taking 83% of one of the processors.

I made this system primarily for using DxO Optics Pro. Did a side-by-side comparison with this computer and my old 64bit 2-Core laptop. What took over 2.5 hours on the laptop took less than 15 minutes on the new box. Nice thing about DxO is you can tell it how many cores to use.

My first computer had 4k of RAM. Yes, k, that's not a miss-type. Hard disk? Nope, it used a cassette recorder. Press Play to load and Record to save. A few years later, I received many looks of amazement from coworkers faces when I busted open their computers and upgraded their machines to a 20M hard disk and a whole 1M of RAM. "Wow! I'll never use all that space!" became quite cliché. I have pictures that are larger than 20M.