Concerns about the Infantry Only server BF4


Registered User
May 23, 2015
I'm a regular in this server (rank18), and ever since BF4 went free to play for vanilla maps, the amount of hacking in this server has went up exponentially. I see at least a couple every night when I get on to play.

What I would like is if you guys could throw in a few of the DLC maps just so it would deter the hackers from playing on a map that they would have to pay for to play on. I know that this would decrease population, and I know you guys want your servers to be at the top all the time.

Something needs to be done or I'm finding another Inf only server to play in. Geezer has one and CMWgaming has one that are pretty full most of the time with DLC maps. They may not be as super popular as the TBG one, but at least I won't have to worry about all the F2P hackers/noobs polluting the server.
And the fact that EA/Dice has given the vanilla out for free is the reason for all the hackers. There are people who have been banned that get a new GUID and come back again and again. There is one I know of who has been banned about 14 times. When you can convince EA that they should not do this (in an attempt to boost Hardline sales, no doubt), then the problem will end.
Every time DLC has been added to the server, the playership drops significantly.
Geezer is not populated at all. Once in a while they are. They also run official mode. You have 0 admin access so having a server is basically pointless.
Cmw isn't true infantry only as far as I know unless they changed that. And that's hardcore.

I can do a better effort adding in the cr maps during the day and around 1am 2 am pull them off. That should definitely help.
@HomebrewerCraig and I try to do what we can when we are on. We're trying to keep things in order. Is this happening after 1 or 2 am CST?
Thanks for reaching out Taco as you and I have talked a bit about this in TS and I appreciate you posting it up on here. Maybe we can add one DLC map, Pearl market, and remove Golmud Railway as that one gets a lot of hate in chat?
China rising is a better choice for any dlc because that expansion came with the deluxe so more success with this.

Not that this is a huge factor but I would not be able to play with you anymore if the server is running dragon teeth. I don't have premium
I agree with Homebrewer and please replace golmund.

If the China rising maps are the only ones you can add FAST, just add them and leave them mingled in the rotation. But not one right after another. Should we start a go-fund-me for you FAST so you can get the rest of the maps? :p

PowerTaco the regulars on the servers use the reporting system set up on the site to help us out with issues when an admin is not on. Do you feel that a "report" function on the server might be a little faster way to deal with the issue on Infantry Only?
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You have been playing a lot on there and it is nice seeing you on there.

My problem with doing all CR maps is Silk Road, and Altai Range. If those two are removed I'm all for it. I know from the past we lose a lot of players when those two come on as you need vehicles to get around the map.

Also, premium is only $19.99 right now, but it still hurts the population having premium maps in rotation.
Maybe we could get more admins to help on the infantry server if we double up on lockers[/sarcasam] in the rotation. :p
@POW3RTACO when is this happening? Is it after Homebrewer and I are done for the night?

Is it after the added maps are removed?
Guilin Peaks and Pearl Market would be my votes for non Vanilla maps in INF only.

Dragon Pass is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too big and will kill server I bet.

Pearl Market has that counterstike feel and aggression and never has snipers.

In Summary: Vanilla Plus Guilin Peaks and Pearl Market. Maybe even just Guilin Peaks, as most people have China Rising.
Pearl Market might hurt server population.
Hackers will show up at any time. Last night one showed up after Hawk and Craig left, and the server died. Usually I can just get in TS and poke/request that a hacker is kicked, but some times people aren't online. If there was a way to start a vote kick or something, I feel that could solve some issues. Or at least a way for me and others to report a hacker other than filling out the "ban player" forum post.

As for maps to add, just guilian peaks alone would help deter hackers and the server usually fills up when that map is up, just like lockers does.

Also I was wondering if TBG has ever considered a "close quarters" server to replace the infantry only server. Keep it normal conquest, but just have all the maps that are more infantry focused. Metro, lockers, pearl market, lamphini gardens, etc.
I'm a regular in this server (rank18), and ever since BF4 went free to play for vanilla maps, the amount of hacking in this server has went up exponentially. I see at least a couple every night when I get on to play.

I wouldn't call $10 (on sale from $20 right now) 'free' for base BF4.