Cleaning up Private Messages Jan 1st, opt in or out HERE!

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Mar 6, 2011
Alright we don't HAVE to do this but until I see some sort of mass objection it is the plan to clean up the few thousand PM's that are a couple years old.

Xenforo uses a modern PM system like IP.B in which a reply is not a separate message. A conversation goes on until a new one is started and can include multiple people. However when Importing from vBulletin there is no way to combine the PM's Every single old Sent and Recieved message will appear as a seperate message in your Inbox until deleted. So while no harm it is a bit messy.

You have 3 options:
- Tell us you don't care or are backing up important shit and we will wipe your inbox.
- Tell us you would like to opt out and keep your precious messages.
- You can create a folder and save specific messages, I will only be clearing messages in the default Inbox/Sent Folders.

If you don't reply at all then whatever random decision I use to clean the PM's shall occur to you unless of course I get told by my bosses to stop this madness :p
You can wipe all mine. I don't think I have anything that matters.
I'm going to be a pia and keep mine :) Though I will clean up the ones I don't want tonight.
I'm going to be a pia and keep mine :) Though I will clean up the ones I don't want tonight.

Nothing wrong with that. I figured there were some classics out there someone would want to keep.

Back when I cleaned up the lost PM's from e107 there where about 1,000 titled something about sniper training in 2142 lol.
im good rain. cleaned just so its less work on you and your army of crackheads!
im good rain. cleaned just so its less work on you and your army of crackheads!

Oh no real work I will write a script to delete anything with a date older than X and not belong to or from X. Then follow up with a full wipe for anyone who opted in.
Clean mine but backup the PMs where you said how much you loved me more than anyone else. K thx
I doubt I have any mail old enough that you're talking about but go ahead and clean all mine out.
Tell us you would like to opt out and keep your precious messages.

plz and thanks
Can you keep mine? I don't really think space is an issue in this day and age... and I'll clean whatever mess it creates.
Can you keep mine? I don't really think space is an issue in this day and age... and I'll clean whatever mess it creates.

Space isn't an issue at all. But right now you have 75 messages, 46 Received and 29 sent. So after the conversion instead of maybe 30 conversations you will have 75. You will have 29 sent pms in your inbox since the "out box" is now obsolete.
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