[BF4] i have few suggestions that might also be more helpful

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Registered User
Jun 16, 2021
hello my name is Emeraldscout
so basically i got banned from a server in bf4 that belongs to the TBGclan
the story of how i got banned is pretty short
messing around with friends a bit talking on chat
throwing that one n word accidentally when you go bit far with the jokes
and boom banned...
and i never did that before... that was just too far for me honestly...
this thread is not about complaining about it but for a suggestion...
that would help me and for alot more other players that probably miss this server and also got too far in chat...
we are humans and sometimes mistakes happens... even if its throwing a racial slur by mistake, humans are built to do mistakes so that's why i suggest to do a first warning ban for 24 hours or 1 week or even a month as a warning ban then after that a perm ban,
until then i will really miss that server it was really fun to play honestly... :(
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