BF3 ALL MAPS - Surrender Abuse


Registered User
Oct 24, 2020
Please consider removing !surrender from the TBG BF3 server. It is being weaponised by people to get the map they want to play. We have just had 6 surrendered maps in a row.
I will report the specific player that is starting all the surrender votes, but people are still voting with him. We have been on the server for 2hrs and we have not finished a map.
just report the players that are abusing it. It’s easy to solve.
Came here to voice the same concern. It's being heavily abused. I'm not sure it's as simple as it being one or two folks to name. It's too easy for any rando to stir up a group to get Metro on. It would be nice if we could counter !nosurrender. That way only genuine base rapes will cause a surrender. Or set it to not be active until 50% tickets gone. Anything to prevent the rampant abuse.

It even causes retaliatory groups to surrender to piss off the surrenders.

Or. Hear me out. Please report the people that are doing it so we can remove them from the game.