Appealing my ban

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your ban caused me to be banned by punkbuster and thats professional? how bout your guys let the fairfight and the punkbuster do its job and not cause such a problem as this and i wouldnt be so mad you act like i was being an asshole over all this when it was your hot headed admin that banned me and re edited what he told me to do to prove i wasnt hacking which was bullshit to say the least. people who have to edit what they post are the ones who are less professional. did you forget i get emailed the original post before it gets edited? he was quite unprofessional in what he asked me and had to cover his own tracks on 2 different posts..... your community has grown to big for its britches and i refuse to ever use your servers due to shitty admin control. Also admin control is for banning people who are breaking rules or blatantly hacking. he never once said anything to me about me hacking nor did he attempt to properly test me on esp hacking. (on zod or whatever that map was i was ru he was american he was by the ru base spawning over and over and attacking point A naturally my gamer sense is telling me he as an auto spawn point (which a couple of the other players on my squad thought so too) so i methodically worked my way around site a dieing a few times in the process and killing admin iguanadon. finally me and my entire squad had come up on him and his teammate that was spawning him over and over and we slaughtered them. then he said i have seen enough and banned me. i was also using the motion sensor nades and using blips on the mini map to locate igauna a few other times. Yet i am the asshole in all of this how? He then tells me to repeal my ban by externally recording my stream again using a camera on the monitor as i played on that map again and produce the same results???? what kind of mindfuck is that? then after i tell him how fucked up it is to ask someone to do that. he edits his post to take that part out and tells me the bans lifted........ so i go to sign on and i get banned by punkbuster why????!?!? because i was recently banned from your server...... i cannot get a punkbuster ban lifted and that is the very first time i have ever even been banned by punkbuster in my life due to the incompetence and emotions of one of your admins. i understand your position to take his side but for once he is wrong in his life in the actions he took and i hope by me posting this he might reflect the next time he goes to ban someone for repeatedly killing him in a stupid area for him to be in the first place.
You were not banned by Punkbuster. It's just the PB Plugin that prompts the ban. You do not have anything on PBBans.

Hi Crispy,

You can either leave quietly now or be shown the door. Weather you feel the actions were justified or not isn't up for debate along with the way our servers are run or administered.
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