Anyone else playing Assassin's Creed IV?


Registered User
Jul 20, 2013
I haven't touched CS:S (until today for just a little bit) in almost a month. This game rocks. ;x

What do you think of the PhysX smoke effects they patched in the other day? I'm on my second play-through now, but I've disabled the PhysX smoke. I think it looks pretty ridiculous, personally:


It's pretty difficult to see anything when you're in a sea battle; if Ubisoft's goal was to try to capture the general confusion and mayhem associated with sea warfare, then in my opinion, they've definitely achieved it. This screenshot was taken after just one shot from one of the pistols in the game. After four shots, you can't see anything if you're standing still. I think they should've left it how it was.

This picture looks a lot like the original effect Ubisoft had integrated into the game:


Oh well! What are your thoughts on this game? ;]
My son got it for free with either his new processor or video card. Neither it, Splinter Cell, or FarCry 3 will run, even though he more than meets the requirements.
My son got it for free with either his new processor or video card. Neither it, Splinter Cell, or FarCry 3 will run, even though he more than meets the requirements.

That's weird. What error (if any) are you getting?
I will write them down and let you know. As I remember, it basically looks like it is starting in Uplay and then crashes to desktop.
Hopefully you get it fixed. I was having a driver issue with my two GTX 580s when it first launched. I had to roll back to an older driver until nVidia released the new drivers specifically for ACIV. It was a pain in the ass, but it worked. I haven't actually played in a while now; ever since getting 100% synchronization I've gotten pretty lazy. I still have to do the Freedom Cry and Aveline DLC that I bought with my Deluxe Edition, but I haven't felt overly motivated.
I tried the last one because I got it on a Steam sale. I played it for maybe an hour and the game just didn't feel right. The console port feel of it was just too overwhelming so I uninstalled it and never touched it again. I hear great things about the new one but that last one left such a bad taste in my mouth I think I'll pass on this one.
Assassin's Creed III was pretty bad. From the clunky movement, to the five hour (minimum) tutorial, never mind the extremely buggy Homestead quests near the end of the game. I fucking hated ACIII. I finished due to extreme OCD, however, that's one game that'll never be replayed.