Beware...noobs surround us....


Registered User
May 17, 2008
So today I got myself banned in A&E Suez, crappy server, moving titans and shitty players you know a noob paradise. I go like 50 something and 8 most on ground and they ban me.

Then tonight, on our own server no less, a douche on the enemy team starts saying "I think lTBGl is hacking." Then another guy on his team chimes in saying I'm hacking and if that's not enough 3 more guys on MY team say I'm hacking...oh ya about this point I'm around 60 something and 9 K/ guy on me team wrote in caps that it's impossible to have the score I had and the k/d ratio....hahaha....well all in all they cry, I rape and end up banning a guy for disrespect. I honestly could have banned them all, but noobs are predictable...which makes for easy kills :D
lol, i got banned few month ago, when i knifed 4 admins, they banned me wthis VERY funny reason-statpadding
lol fallen you got to be gentle with their asses. Nice and slow not rough :D
Some servers sucks. Like GHF (gamers having fun) i was banned for single seat in GS. xD

Btw, yesterday in your servers some guy acusses me for aimbot in GS because my score was 26 - 0 :S

I've actually met people who genuinely believe that there is no possible way on earth to single-seat in the gunship without an aimbot. I've also met people who believe it's not possible to do it without a macro.

In fact, I do it just fine without either.

I think it's the mentality where "if I can't do it, neither can X." Some people just have to see it to believe it I guess. I've almost recorded youtube videos of me playing 2142 for these people, but then again I'm kinda lazy and don't have access to a camcorder anymore, so meh. Maybe my phone camera lawlz... bad, bad quality.

But yeah, I wonder what it would take to convince some people... makes me want to bash their faces in for being so stupid/ignorant. Then again, as long as I don't have to work, live, and/or interact with them, they can whine all they want while getting owned.
first few month after the game came out i was already banned from 1/6 of all servers for switching seats. There was about 6-7000 servers.
I think it's the mentality where "if I can't do it, neither can X." Some people just have to see it to believe it I guess.

So very true Heat. And I kept telling them to prove it, that I had an aimbot, but all they could say was, "look at your score thats the proof"

Another time in Z server I was RDX hopping the fuck out of the other team and this guy called me out and said I had a macro because it was too fast from pod to hop, HA! Then another guy said IRL i couldn't and wouldn't be able to RDX hop.....he said this while seat switching hahahaha. Fuckin kids.

Funny you mention that they have to see it, there was a few times I called out by Z members. Then one weekend a buddy of mine that was in Z was about to get deployed and he was headed from Cali to somewhere in Arkansas or some shit to see his dad. Anyways he was driving so I told him to spend a weekend with us to take a break from driving. So he stay the weekend and he wants to see me play, so I show him. Mind you this is back when I used to play on my lil laptop. He couldn't fathom how fast I was taking people out, especially pod to knife. :D So at least I was able to prove it to one person.
A&E are a bunch of fucking noobs. But I'll definitely agree that the number of people accusing others of hacking has increased ten fold. It's exactly what Heat said and I used to be one of those guys. 2142 was my first FPS and I couldn't get how people could do all of these things but then I got some decent hardware and for me it made a world of difference. Playing the game at 800 x 600 at 30 frames per second apparently isn't a good thing.
i only first heard about single seating GS when i joined TBG. im not a huge 2142 player. so i decided to try it out and i could do it no problem but only to ground vehicles. i could hit a person if i was lucky but i didnt find it so difficult that it would be impossible.
Idiot noobs are in every game. One was complaining in our HC server ind BC2 the other night that balls was cheating because he was able to "guide an rpg" Mind you, this is done with a tracer dart and in the game rpgs track with the tracer dart. I thought every idiot knew this, since it's part of the engineering kit but evidently not.

It just goes to show you clueless idiots are universal. I only wish their mothers had done the honorable thing and killed them with a ball peen hammer when they were idiot infants.
It just goes to show you clueless idiots are universal. I only wish their mothers had done the honorable thing and killed them with a ball peen hammer when they were idiot infants.


fallen stop being a n00b and give me yo tags bitch :D
Lol Matt I like the pink reticle on your gunship......reminds me of something....

Lol Matt I like the pink reticle on your gunship......reminds me of something....



My gunship looks like this


haha i tried several colors for the crosshair but pink was the best i don't know why. Some colors were mixed with the sky or the ground.
balls of steel
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
"Balls of steel," what is that?... Hello?


... "it only does it when you talk" ...

... "I'M GONNA KILL YOU... OLD STYLE (???)"...

A timeless LULZ classic.
...oh ya about this point I'm around 60 something and 9 K/ guy on me team wrote in caps that it's impossible to have the score I had and the k/d ratio :D

Only 60 something to 9? Were you having an off night? Shit, I bet only 30 of them were knife kills, you slacker! Imagine what it could have been like had you applied yourself. Happy Birthday!
All of this funny, Maybe someday when I have the best round I will ever have, I'll get a hackusation, LOL.
I don't think I'll ever be that good of a player LOL.

I'd had tons of hackusations In NR2k3 and Some people just don't understand how I can drive around them on the outside of them in a turn. I try to eplain to them, when I'm lapping 1 second faster than they are, it's not that hard.