Zero Active Admins, Cheaters Everywhere

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Dec 7, 2020
What's the deal with this TBG Clan? Got back into BF3, playing Metro and it is infested with Lv100 obvious macros, auto-strafes, aimbots, wall hacking, and all these new free Prime BF3 accounts. It is utterly ridiculous that these people come on, decimate the entire round and we can't even get rid of them via votekick/voteban as it's set to 20 votes needed which is way too high to begin with. What logic did you use to have 50% of the server vote to get rid of some player ruining it for everybody else? I cannot believe the state of this game in 2020 where at a minimum 60% are using macros and the rest are a bunch of sneaks trying to preserve their precious k/d.

Don't any of you care about your servers or is it just about the donations? I have not seen one active admin over two months back playing your servers, that being said I will never donate a penny to such poorly administrated servers.
i mean lets be honest, for the BF3 metro server the only server admin i see, really once a week is peacemaker, that being said they do run 2 battlefield 3 servers, 1 insurgency server, and 5-6 battlefield 4 servers, give them some time, but i agree, a dedicated admin for the newer


server would be good
Based on what I've seen, that would be a full time job :) Agree on the 50% rule to some degree but if reduced, that can and will be abused against legit players if you're not careful. Trust me on that one. I find the votekick / voteban system on this server hardly ever works anyway; as there always seems to be some vote in progress but not really in progress? Would be nice if that was working properly.

I also find that the "@vote yes" requirement versus the "!yes" is a huge hurdle for old and new players alike. Especially for the players who don't understand English too well. This typically results in the vote getting bogged down. Also find that the "time to vote" is too short. So then another vote is placed, we start all over again and then we are all unsure who or what we are voting on. Frustrating to say the least.

Would also like to see the "Assist" function enabled for those players that are willing to help if teams are stacked. Maybe only to those in the top 20 on the website and have to request it on here? Additionally, would also like to see the teams mixed up at the end of a lop sided round. I've seen 1000 ticket difference a couple of rounds in a row several times. You can only switch teams once and then you have to log out / log back in and when its full with a queue, not incentive to do that.

Would also be nice to have a set of rules that players can refer to as I've seen a number of players C4 Glitching, Ceiling Glitching, MAV Glitching etc and when pointed out, they simply say there are no rules so its OK. They have a point.

Lastly, it's sad that most of the legit players on the server have come to accept the Hackers / Macro users and just hope that they are at least an equal number per side.

My two cents.

"Let the bodies hit the floor"

I really enjoy being outplayed by fresh accounts of people who have never played a battlefield game and no, if you say "but i used to be a pro on xbox/playstation, if your going to refer to your legendary status of console peasantry, using a controller with aim assist to 100 might as well be cheating

that being said, if you use controller on PC..... why even play PC, as to PeeKee_, there are no rules!, the only thing that works is the racism filter, if you so much as say the N word your gone, but they do get past it. an AFK timer would be great, 5 minutes and if your AFK your gone, we've had too many games where its me and 2 squads playing and the other 10 people on our team are AFK doing jack shit. votekick needs to be based on what the server population is AKA 10 votes for 20 people or 15 for a whole server, the !assist button would be greatly appreciated

and last but not least, a ping limit of 200 would be great, if some dude from Afghanistan or a cyber witches coven of feminist men are sitting in a starbucks with 280 ping playing battlefield 3 they might as well be hacking, we have all had the problem of shooting a whole mag into a guy, none of them register, he turns around and insta kills you, its frustrating
Ah yes, the damn AFK'ers. Forgot about them. That is annoying when the "votekick" system doesn't work well. Agreed, ping limit would be nice also.
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