WTS ATI 5870


Registered User
Mar 15, 2011
Solid performer - have not OC'ed it - plays BF3 up to ultra - reccomend playing on high settings since color tweaker makes it look like ultra without taking an FPS hit.

Just purchased a GTX 670 - I am trying to come out with a deal. I talked to renno many months ago and he did not mind me selling this card. I would give it away to a poor soul but im JUST getting my financial situation back to normal.

ATI Radeon

Card has been treated with love and care and not mishandled in anyway - not tampered or overclocked with. This card will allow you to play newer games but dont expect 100+ fps - IE. I get ~60 FPS on Dishonered vsync off with some eye candy off. It plays BF3 on metro with all the crazyness (nades galore) just fine ~90 FPS (depends on ur cpu and ram) running I5 oc'ed to 4.0 with 8gb ddr3 ram - you have seen me play and my performance isnt gimped due to this card

$110 firm - (includes shipping USA only) unless ur willing to pay extra if you live outside of USA