[BF4] Weird Battlelog results


Registered User
Nov 26, 2018
139% Accuracy, this has got me worried and bit paranoid. While I had a fantastic round this seems wrong to me. Does the Splash damage of 25mm make this possible? or could this be a lag compenstaion thing. Or is it Normal?
it really doesnt look good, agreed. 5600 rounds, a lot of splash, lots of back boats kills, but all my other battle logs, say my accuracy is usually under 5%, even when I am doing exceptional. I mean I miss a lot cause I'm always trying to TV aircraft ;)
it really doesnt look good, agreed. 5600 rounds, a lot of splash, lots of back boats kills, but all my other battle logs, say my accuracy is usually under 5%, even when I am doing exceptional. I mean I miss a lot cause I'm always trying to TV aircraft ;)
what your seeing is just a battle report for a certain round you played.. it doesnt mean its the total over all. this gets added to your total which it should raise it a little bit, but if youve been playing a long time it wont raise it much at all so no worries on being called a cheater... BUT I GOT MY EYE ON YOU!
Roger, no problem here, appreciate you taking the time to look at my concern.
Splash damage that hits multiple targets inflates the accuracy. One shot hitting 3 targets is counted as 300% accuracy. Same thing happens with the poison bow. It's not uncommon to see people with 600% accuracy with it.