Unkownplayer's Battlegrounds

I know that dude shit himself when he came through the door to the muzzle of my AKM
I'm having spawning into the plane issues to start the game but doing pretty good today :)

Me neither I join solo's just to get the kills. A few wins on duos/squads, not playing squad anymore apparently the mindset of few players/streamers is that "you qued as a solo, so you aren't welcome". Yet here i'm thinking " I wonder what that matchmaking feature is"

Grats on the solo @Avery78
Had a new record amount of kills tonight. Was 9, now it's 11, should have gotten a few more but was boxed in by 2 different pairs :(

A mate has gifted me a copy of this, think I have most TBG members on steam but add me if not
All day long I play this game, I lose my +1 KDR I get bullshitted to death finally I get a speaking teammate. He disconnects right after we drop...
I still win. I hid in a bush and got 4 of the 5 kills with a suppressed AK and a 8x scope. Probably 200 games in and my heart still pounds in my chest when I get to the top 10.
Nice, I have got really into this at the moment and like you say gets very intense at time. I've won a few squad matches and came second a few times on duo but still yet to make number 1 on solo.
apparently the mindset of few players/streamers is that "you qued as a solo, so you aren't welcome"

I have only run into that once. He just shot me after we looted a town. The weird part was I did all the heavy lifting, I killed a squad and some random. He didn't even fire a weapon. Also If you are the fourth in their party of three why are they queuing into squads and then bitching about some random... That's like going into @Soulzz basement and complaining about all the dead hookers.