TBG BF2&BF3 Server


Registered User
Oct 4, 2015
Hello! Would it be possible to remove the vote map feature from the BF2&BF3 server? What ends up happening is you go through two maps over and over rather than cycling through the 4 maps. It used to be much more enjoyable when you could just play through the rotation. With a short list of only 4 maps, voting really isn't necessary. Please reconsider. Thanks.
I would have to agree unless there was a specific good reason to put it in place. They are all good maps and there doesn't seem to be a drop in player count when the different maps are played. @Matt-aka-FAST what was the reason we put in place?
Its such a small rotation anyways.....and all 4 are great. It's no fun to just go back and forth between oman and silk road all night.
I can tell you since i play here all of the time, the reason for this is people log in and like op and Cas best, and don't know it was just played. I've logged on and voted, and have people say " we just played that" but I didn't just play that. As long as it doesn't hurt the population I don't care either way.