Rush server Balance?


Registered User
Mar 19, 2014
I saw a thread from a few months ago about balance, I'd like to revisit it and have the program checked. As of right now, it's been happening a few times a day, for a few days straight ... The server gets so unbalanced (even with the "lone wolf" moves) that one team dominates the attacking side, then goes on to hold at the first set of attack points on the defending side, and repeats over and over until people start to leave. after MANY games it sometimes balances back out, but not often. Could we please revistit the way autobalance is working on the rush server? Please and thank you.
The balance issue goes on forever. In short we cannot make people play better. The autobalancer keeps the numbers even but when trying to balance beyond number of players things get complicated; the script doesn't always work as intended and ends up breaking up friends and doesn't even get the teams balanced. The only way to make sure a match is competitive is to have everyone move together and use teamwork, but many times people are only interested in individual stats or are unwilling to risk moving towards objectives, and a team full like that gets punished mercilessly. I don't think the solution is a server side one but a player one.
I don't know if it exists but switching the top squad over to the other side might have an effect or just the top 5 players. I am not sure if this would make certain people leave or not maybe even a team scramble after a one sided loss.
My point: the top 5 players could all get there via camping, which still doesn't result in balance.
I think after a map rotation (both sides played) a team scramble (completly random, keep "groups" together) would be nice.