Reporting a Player

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Registered User
Dec 28, 2019
User name: Shockwavey

What is your in-game alias? Shockwavey

What is the game server name? **FUN MAPS

Which Game is this for? Squad

Date and time approximately: 12/28/2019 11:00 PM

Which player are you reporting? TRUExZEUS

Offense committed Repeatedly said racist slurs, specifically the N word, gave away our position multiple times with smoke. He then proceeded to switch squads and get LAT, and then began to open fire on me and my squadmate in the Stryker. He then began teamkilling, which was witnessed and called out by many. He began to dig down a friendly HAB and FOB radio, before finally switching teams and telling them where everything was. He was kicked, however I believe that this is not enough as he was racist, and I know that racism is an auto ban.

Please provide evidence can be anything from circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos. I have the pictures published on my steam profile of the people reporting him in chat. they are called TRUExZEUS Report, and they are published on my pagel, the link to which is here

Any additional comments? I hope that this dude gets banned, he's a real asshole and honestly people like him are the reason squad ain't so fun anymore.
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I gave him a perm ban, he was banned several times in past for trolling also. thanks for the report!
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