Reporting a player


Nov 27, 2014
User Name manny8083

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** battlefield 3 maps

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 5/16/2015 9:50 pm est

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 9:50 est

Player's name** legendofmike2

Offense committed: base rape

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.


Comments hes srawing jets from tower in gulf of oman. have video proof if needed. people have been complaining all game about him.
will do, hes claiming he didnt know, but hes most likley full of it, hes been doing it for the past two rounds.
its proccessing, he did it again after being warned by me. got it on video too, will upload.
Yea, i caught that. Im waiting for one more. then im gonna step in. Im watching him right now.
ive got a video from this round too, will that be enough to get rid of him?
I lost him for a moment when I think he either crashed or team switched. but he hasnt done it again yet. also it wouldnt be a ban, we would start with a kick, because he was already warned. Then if he came back to do it again then ban.

But like i said, i caught him do it. I just didnt make my presence known yet. but I am watching him right now. he may have stopped for now. but im sticking around to watch for a bit.
hes on the us team right now so kind of hard to do it. thanks for the help though.
He was doing it last round. even after your warning. he probably still would have done it if he didnt get switched. so im betting hes gonna do it again. But it will get taken care of. Dont worry about that.