Pearl Market Mortar


Registered User
Nov 16, 2018
Is there a way you can limit the mortar in the server, or restrict its use in order to cut back on the number of people never leaving their spawn, and spamming mortar rounds for the entire map cycle?
You have a great server full of people wanting to play, but a half dozen of the same users consistently abuse this exploitation. It really cheapens the game, and discourages players.
We appreciate the feedback, but we do not limit weapons on any of our servers as we prefer to let the game play as designed. There are plenty of ways utilize team mates using mortars or counter an enemy teams mortars.
Hey I appreciate the reply!

I am just wondering if you have any tips on countering an enemy player that is using mortars when the player and the mortar launcher are entirely out of bounds? There are players with consistently undefeated (40-0) scores due to the other teams inability to target or reach them so far back into their spawns.

Any help, or suggestions would be appreciated.
The MAV is your best friend, it's my favorite to troll mortar whores since it has the range to still be in play and puts them on a 45 second cool down. Plus in the down time you can spot enemies for your team.
I appreciate the insight.
As of late, this has been by far my favorite server to play in, minus the as you say, mortar whores.

Thanks again.
I am glad the Admins are not limiting the mortars (or any weapons for that matter). Every gadget has a counter. The mortar is a counter to the rooftop camper who is using UCAVs and vice versa.

So, if one gadget is removed, then a counter is lost.
I am glad the Admins are not limiting the mortars (or any weapons for that matter). Every gadget has a counter. The mortar is a counter to the rooftop camper who is using UCAVs and vice versa.

So, if one gadget is removed, then a counter is lost.

I agree that the mortar should stay, however, I believe that they should be fired outside the uncap area. Just my $.02. I've said my peace.