Moments in DayZ: by Saber.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2013
So I have logged just over 25 hours of DayZ time compared to most I am just scratching the surface.

Here are a list of short stories I have compiled in this short time.

Moment # 1

I found a guy looting a military tent in Balotta , he had a backpack no weapons.
I calmly asked "Do you have any food"
He said "no" and then asked " What are you doing with that axe?"
I replied " I don't believe you "
He yelled at me to stop and pleaded saying he had nothing of value.

After I went and checked his beaten and bloodied body he in fact had nothing.

So if this is a reflection of real life, I am a cold blooded axe murderer who killed someone because I thought he had a can of tuna and I was wrong, still his shirt made for good bandages.

Moment # 2

DayZ moment # 2:

get killed end up on the coast, start heading north.

Run into a guy decked out with a fire axe and a motorcycle helmet. Meanwhile to him I had nothing on me no weapons but my hands were up in fists.

He says "Woah woah im friendly im cool, need anything?"

I say " Yea I need food"

He replied "I don't have any"

Which was the wrong answer as he must have had some stuff he had some decent gear, I watched him head into a small house to loot it and I followed him in slowly and got prepared, meanwhile in my backpack I had a firemen's axe I pulled it out and quickly axed him in the back.

he had food on him, and a can opener and a 357 magnum.

moment # 3

I came to on the coast, the server's were reset so everyone was on the coast.

I started scavenging and found a backpack some food and a med kit. Ran around a corner and found three other guys, all three had something I did not have, a weapon.
Guy #1: Gives us your food or die.

Now if you have been following along, you will know that I have murdered 2 other people for food, so this was Karma. I ran, I ran like hell. I ran into a barn and found a pipe wrench. The 3 guys caught up to me and I knew they would chase me forever.

Guy #2 Lets kill this guy and take his stuff.

I decided to engage them in mortal combat. 3 minutes later I was standing over two dead people and a 3rd was running for cover bleeding like crazy, he probably died. Now the funny thing was, on one of the bodies was the one item that would have saved them all, a .357 magnum with ONE round loaded in the chamber.

So in summary

- trust no one
- this game is brutal to even the best players, luck goes a long way.
- I am a cold blooded axe murdering psychopath.