Hello Fellow Gamers!


Sep 5, 2010
Just popped in to say hi & say a few words. I've been gaming online since mohaa & play mostly fps games & some racing games. I don't console game as I spend too much upgrading my pc all the time,lol. I was an auto-tech for 17 years then after becoming disabled I got into pc's bigtime. I run a small business building & fixing pc's & laptops. This is nice for gaming,since I'm usually right here! As far as clans go, I've run 5, 3 were mine & I've competed in TWL,CAL, & OGL in the past. I was also a part of a pro gaming clan briefly, they were wierd. I wear the tag =|Dc|= in bf2, which stands for Dark Crusader's, not really a "clan", just an idea my buddy in sweden wanted to try. Only me & him so far,lmao. I just cancelled my bf2 server,couldn't get anyone in it. Waste of money anyway. I more or less just wanted a hack-free place to play & the ability to boot asshats. I really like the Karkand server & I'll be trying the others out soon. Peace!:gros82:
Hope you like the site and welcome!!!