Going to be at Texarkana.....


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
...On December 5th, I am going to be sitting on the bench a couple weeks. I should be back the week of the holidays. 22nd is I beleive my return date.

So I shall try to get some serious stick time between now and then. Ill give a SITRP should anything change or when leave.

Havent been there, heard ups/downs of it. As long as im on time at the cite, Its all goood.
It's going to be rough from the start at MOB Sation.......If you are familiar with the HBO minisiries, "Band of Brothers"? Well when Easy gets that new CO, LT Dyke.......................70 years later. Hes a micro managing fuck tard who "TRIES" to work too hard. He is unfit for command! He doesnt trust his Senior NCO's, he intercepts his battle staffs paperwork, overlooks it and changes it when he sees fit....COMPLETLY tossing them under the bus. And he has to call our AO to tie his fucking boots or cant decide what size staple should go in his rectum. If he is not relieved of his command, and ends up being a Convoy Commandr, he will get a lot of mother fucker killed, or throw them under the buss to side-step hte ball of shit that he's pushing uphill.................any questions asked of him is, "I don't know?". to sum it up:(PLEASE watch the whole video)

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/os8l-CggUzg?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I was ready for the experience, but this past week has got my ass hole puckered up pretty good......*stands at attention* FUCK YOU SIR!