Did 1.6 bring some new bugs?


Registered User
Jul 12, 2009
ever since that patch hit I am noticing less damage in grenades.

some people are completely immune to grenades if it be frags or grenade launcher where little dmg is done or nothing is registering when a grenade hits them 2 feet away or less.

Dogs is another thing I noticed thats gotten a little ridiculous and less ridiculous, seems it kills less now, but are harder to kill and at times they do not last the full 60 sec duration.

This is 2 of the things I noticed that seems out of place since this patch hit.
well i dont know about nades. but the dogs seem to have gotten stupid. or maybe realistic is the right word. before they would come out and sprint straight to every enemy with the occasional stopping to look around. now i see them run out and stop randomly. i think it was me and fast playing in sub pens when an enemy dog got about 30 feet from us, stopped, looked around for the enemy then fast shot him. as for not lasting the full 60 seconds. Dogs last 60 seconds or until the enemy kills 8 dogs. you get 8 by default. 4 out at a time each time one dies another comes out to take its place until you have all 8 or the 60 seconds is up.
What I noticed to, but when they dont stop, they leap through walls and even leap from 1st floor to someone on the 2nd floor of a building, I dont ever recall that happening before either.