[DAYZ] DayZ Standalone Sells $5.1 Million In One Day


Mar 1, 2012
DayZ Standalone Sells $5.1 Million In One Day

Behold: the power of the community. DayZ, the popular zombie-themed Arma II mod turned stand-alone game, just debuted as an early access title on Steam. It sold 172,500 copies in the first day for a handsome $5.1 million. Not bad for an indie.

It?s even more impressive when you consider that the game is incomplete and full of bugs, as is the nature of any early-access title. People sign onto a project like this because they want to help the developer make the game better, and the response so far is incredible. I expect these sales to remain strong for months to come, spiking again when the game finally hits a retail release. If this is how many people want to play an unfinished version of the game, think of how much momentum it can build by the time it?s actually done.

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Creator Dean ?Rocket Hall? is keeping a running update of bugs, suggestions, and additions on Twitter, and that gets right at the heart of what makes projects like this successful. People don?t play buggy games because they like to be frustrated, people play early-access to be part of a community, to get inside the development process, and to feel like their work has an impact on a real title. In order to make that possible, the developer has to stay in constant communication with the thousands of volunteer testers out there who have committed their time to the project.

This won?t be the next Minecraft ? even if DayZ manages to mirror Mojang?s staggering success in the early days, this title isn?t approachable and kid-friendly enough to mirror the absurd heights to which that game grew. But I see great things in this game?s future ? maybe even console release if it can keep this impressive pace up. The Last Of Us proved that zombies are still very much in style. Let?s see where DayZ can take us.

Not bad for an indie.

I call HORSESHIT! DayZ is not an indie game. Bohemia is the publisher is it not? That right there makes it not an independently published game and should they be paying their employee and or funding its development it wouldn't be independently financed either. After all I figured Bohemia had to be taking a small cut for their engine at a minimum. Forbes and or the community is blurring the lines because of its humble beginnings but that is OVER!
More accurately, not bad for a mod. Then again, when does a "mod" become a "full game"? The lines are quite blurry these days.
More accurately, not bad for a mod. Then again, when does a "mod" become a "full game"? The lines are quite blurry these days.

I wouldn't call a standalone game a mod. Though I'd agree the lines probably still blurry with how this is developed. It doesn't seem the same as say building a game on the same engine. They started with an entire base game.

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This is as much of a standalone game as killing floor or counter-strike.

The overarching question isn't really that though, it's "is this good enough to make me pay money for it?" Because that's kind of all that matters really.
I wouldn't call a standalone game a mod. Though I'd agree the lines probably still blurry with how this is developed. It doesn't seem the same as say building a game on the same engine. They started with an entire base game.

There are some serious differences on how they handle though.
There are some serious differences on how they handle though.

Sounds like your arguing my side. Its not a mod.

I mean its already not a mod when it isn't attached externally to a base game. That by definition makes it a stand alone game. But in mod versus full game they have made so many changes and in the end will its a game all its own.

Counter Strike was really a mod for less than a year if I understand correctly. I never played it til 1.6 but once valve took over that was it. A mod stops being a mod when it is developed from core source and can not be installed upon the base game. Not sure at what point that happened since I wasn't there.

Arma 3 DayZ epoch as it is planned seems like a Mod.

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Rising Storm isn't attached externally to a base game. Is it a standalone game or a mod? :p

I would say it's actually DLC, it's not even a mod xD...
Rising Storm isn't attached externally to a base game. Is it a standalone game or a mod? :p

I would say it's actually DLC, it's not even a mod xD...

Standalone expansion / total conversion is what Wikipedia lists it as and since it seems to have been developed by its parent developer I would t even come close to calling it a mod. Standalone expansion is what FEAR Perseus Mandate was classified as and I dunno how much core was reused but it was the same engine and basically the same game except a different story. Total conversion is more likely for RS. It's confusing because a so called modding community is involved.

Maybe a new classification is in order. Just because a game is based upon another and is open for contribution doesn't make it a mod.

Mods have always required you to own the game the mod is for or the game to be bundled with the mod at all times. A stand alone game is a standalone game. Some start as mods and get taken over while others stay mods.

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I'd say it almost seems like we have entered the era where intelligent studios and publishers are listening to fans and what remains of game modders. But the rest seems like a rehash of the past.

Dean and Bohemia remind me of an early ID Software. Sure his story is a bit different than ID taking on modders to be employees but Bohemia produces a very open game unlike other studios.

Its very difficult for an Indie Dev to put out an FPS that competes with AAA studios even if they secure the funding. Development from scratch wastes a lot of resources. But we've already entered an era where simpler games are widely accepted whether its an indie PC game or a AAA mobile game people just want to have fun. People so desperately want to get away from publishers when Indie studios aren't really the only or best answer.

Modders and modding communities don't necessarily have a great reputation for respecting IP rights. Its also not always in a developers ability to provide an engine or game to an open community due to licensed technology. But even if the game concept doesn't infringe on some other work and a game to base it off doesn't require securing licensing I think its still in a studios interest to look at working with outside designers. You remove the pressure of designing a new title and the resources needed lowering turn around time. Everybody has the potential to win and its a good avenue for some games to be developed.

I think these signs of the past being rehashed is just a sign that in this post indie era the only thing that has changed is the amount of ideas making it to market. PC gaming is thriving if anything. Words like Indie or Mod get people wet but not containing those words shouldn't hurt anything.

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Except ID software at one point outsold ANY other game or non-game studio when doom was released, including MS 3.1 from what I've read... and ARMA II is an extremely niche sim-like "shooter."
Yeah DayZ coming out of Arma is an interesting one and its success is interesting to me as well. Zombies are eternally hot at the moment along with vampires.... I blame the Facebook generation.

I would assume his personal interest in the game and its adaptability obviously made the match. But the mods success needed to go beyond just people who owned arma 2. Arma 2s low price availability this past year has certainly helped. The stand alone game not only provides a newer experience but it means non Arma fans might be more likely to try it based off the mods hype.

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I actually haven't seen a decent game about vampires lately. Which brings to mind: I still need to play The Masquerade: Bloodlines -_- ...
The new DayZ is not a mod .. It's a Standalone ...

DayZ Standalone is the much hyped follow-up to the DayZ Mod created by infamous game developer Dean Rocket Hall. On 14 August 2012, Rocket announced that DayZ would become a standalone game that does not require Arma II. Development of the standalone version was headed up directly by Rocket, in conjunction with Bohemia Interactive, the publisher of Arma II. With this announcement, Rocket turned the mod version of DayZ over to the community for continued development. Some of the main goals for creating the standalone were to run on Arma III architecture and to fix bugs and prevent hacking, two things very difficult to do under the previous Arma II architecture.