Battlefield 3: PC Vs PS3 graphics comparison – Easy winner

Actually lets put it this way. Any game anyone wants to put out can have better than PS3 graphics if they want it.

It's not even worth attempting to compare a machine that is pretty freaking old. 8800 series nvidia was out at launch time of the PS3 so at this point we need to be doing the comparisons on an 8800. Considering my laptops GPU is comparable to an 8800 GS desktop card its actually a fair look into my 2.5 year old computer. The fairer comparison to a PS3 is actually the 7 series since the 8 series didn't fully release until 1 to 1.5 years later and mind you the competing xbox is limited to DX9 which the 7 series was.
I think it's even more hilarious that we are still making games for a machine that was released in 2005...which the entire gaming industry seems to have put on a dress and bowed to.

What I find even more ridiculous is that's exactly where the PC gaming industry places their standards for competing with consoles...... 2005 technology. Idk about you but I think we can do a little better than that, it's been 6 fucking years. DICE has something going with their FB 2.0 Engine, but guaranteed they will fuck it up, and that technology will fall into the hands of people who are more "Aggressive" to capture a gaming audience. aka the CoD people, and rest assured we will be in the PC gaming dark ages again until someone comes out with something that is not a turd with sprinkles on it ( aka BC2) or DICE hires people who know what their players want.