Amazing league players - Emptying servers


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Ever notice that?

Sigh wish their wasnt such a skill difference.
I've started banning people with higher than 10:1 KD for being too good, especially if I don't know them, and their Steam account is private.

If I recognize the name from the beta or tournaments or something, or if they have 500+ hours of NS2 on their Steam account (or something like that in CS or something serious which indicates that they COULD be that good), that's fine.

If it's a 30:3 KDR, private account, especially with a different name, or has VAC bans with 20 hours of NS2, etc., or very few games or only NS2 or something with low hours - bye bye.

And yes, I've actually seen the server die because of the stacking which also occurs around such players - hell, even without stacking one player which has the combined kills of his entire team is ridiculous so you have to stack AGAINST them to have an EVEN-ish game. I'm guilty myself - although it's probably because I like playing Marines more lately, and I've noticed those "types" of people tend to favor Marines as well... but yes, it's a problem. I don't want to see random perma-on, because frankly random can suck my dick... but maybe that's just me.
Cotten mby install the random vote thingy? Whats the easy way to check hours played in ns2
Shift+tab, click on "view players" and find their name.

If you can't find their name, get annoyed at their ass for setting a custom name in NS2 options, and then look up their profile ID with something like using the STEAM_x:x:xxxxxx from "status" in console.
Hmm I found someone on steamrep but their is no stats.
There are no game stats for NS2 recorded by steam (although steamworks does support this feature)...

However, you can look at their account and get a "feel" of whether they might be a good FPS player (hours played in other FPS multi games) or whether they're likely to be a cheater (previous VAC bans, low hours in FPS, few steam games, etc. etc. etc.).
I was playing the other day on a server that had the vote random feature. Basically if 55% of the server votes for random, it randomizes teams and prevents people from going back to the RR. Totally prevents stacking (well, except for the odd random stack....)
Would be really neat if we could get that on our server, as a lot of people seem to want it (you can always see the people typing "random" in the console)
i'll strip the dak mod from the server tonight and see what happens when it goes back on -