Ban Appeal

You were banned by Fast for TK'ing for planes. Please wait for his response. Thanks.
yes check this link

Apparently you thought it was funny to steal other people vehicles by teamkilling. It wasn't for any other reason. You wanted to be selfish and you could care less about the server rules. Now that we actually did something about this, you want to play it down as being the victim of something. Not going to fly. .

It is 1 thing to teamkill someone for a vehicle but to actually type " i show u what a line is" on top of calling other people noobs (as I have seen in the chatlogs), i think you got the wrong server to play in. Why should the ban be lifted? Think of a good response because my decision will be based on this.
Your comments here . I was heated up by constant baseraping by enemy( no excuse - I know) and was mad about a guy who didnt do anything but to wait for the jet the whole wont happen again !

What I am saying what you claim happened, did not really happen. I don't appreciate those who like to twist their stories. I will lift the ban but keep in mind next time you are banned it is for good.

Respect other players and more importantly respect our server rules