Recent content by williepullout

  1. W

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player blackalemein and fknnnnnnnnn_g18

    Players In Game Name blackalemein and fknnnnnnnnn_g18 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? williepullout Date and time approximately 6/18/2024 3pm Offense committed locking with laser and towing...
  2. W

    nwbg seeding

    we seed tbg all maps with our numbers. it would be nice to put locker and pearl market back into rotation regardless of the number. we continually go back to golmud even with over 30 players and then it kills the server . could we get that number fixed or im afraid the server will die and we...
  3. W

    Ban Appeal Battlefield 4

    Sounds good. He is saying I was in a glitch roof. All I did was jump on the roof of b to the roof with the white tank. He was trying to ucav me from uncap of course and kept missing. There was no glitch involved 2 other people were up there. I could have killed him in spawn but I didn’t because...
  4. W

    Ban Appeal Battlefield 4

  5. W

    Ban Appeal Battlefield 4

    In Game Name (nwbg)williepullout Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 11:40 am est Admin that banned you (If you remember) gojo? If possible, the reason that you might have got...
  6. W

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player cannottouchgrass

    Players In Game Name cannottouchgrass Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? willipullout Date and time approximately 9/30/22 355pm Offense committed teleporting Additional comments a discord...
  7. W

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player kassaphic

    Players In Game Name kassaphic Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? willipullout Date and time approximately 6pm 5/26 Offense committed trolling which in server is bannable according to rules...
  8. W

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player kassaphic

    Players In Game Name kassaphic Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? willipullout Date and time approximately 5/25 6pm Offense committed trolling and adding clan tags Additional comments we were...
  9. W

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player badbluebear

    Players In Game Name badbluebear Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? willipullout Date and time approximately 10/25-21 130pm Offense committed using jet to wait for us to spawn in one on the...
  10. W

    Ban Appeal Battlefield 4

    it was a play on words ani-"gae"=gay. so by having "nig" in it the filter auto banned me. it does it for nigeria enigma etc been playing here for many years
  11. W

    Ban Appeal Battlefield 4

    thats random need to settle down that filter a bit haha
  12. W

    Ban Appeal Battlefield 4

    In Game Name williepullout Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 10 am Admin that banned you (If you remember) no warning just auto? If possible, the reason that you might have got...
  13. W

    Ban Appeal

    Well when a guy constantly TVs your helicopter as soon as it takes off I am always going to retaliate. Play with him sometime and see how miserable it is. The only difference is I don’t get mad when it’s paid back. I’m not worried about the ban I’ll take my full sentence.
  14. W

    Ban Appeal

    User name: williepullout What is your in game ALIAS(es) williepullout Which game is it? bf4 Your Steam ID: (if applicable) Server name that you were banned on tbg all maps Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 8/8/2020 Admin that banned you (If you remember) no idea...