Requesting to join True Born Gaming Application


Registered User
Oct 14, 2015
User name: Jazbone

Your age? 21+ Only 52

The ALIAS you use regularly and PLEASE include your FIRST NAME: Jazbone - (Jim)

Your STEAM ID (If applicable)

What game or games would you like to represent TBG? BF4, BF3

What TBG server(s) do you primarily play on? ! ! [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM

Where are you located? Bay Area, Northern California

What is your Occupation/School? Sales Manager

Are you consistently able to support TBG financially? Yes

What made you apply to us? Been playing on this server off and on since at least 2015 when I created this account

Do you have or know what Discord voice chat is? Sure

Will you be active and dedicated to TBG? Sure

Will you help populate/seed your favorite TBG server(s)? When I can

Can you fluently understand the English language? Si!

Any additional comments you would like to add? 42 Anti-Vehicle Medals at this point, it's what I do.