Ban Appeal

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Mar 4, 2019
User name: Vapor

What is your in game ALIAS(es) Ssaintann

Which game is it? BF4

Your Steam ID: (if applicable)

Server name that you were banned on not yours

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 7 days ago

Admin that banned you (If you remember) I only know they are antifa and a liar

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for. banned for nothing listed on reasons you can ban, they couldn't show the rest of ther chat log, cause they were VERY TOXIC and harrasssing me and insulting me. you should make a rule against stalking to harrass and insult.

Any additional comments you would like to add? antifa follows me and insults me, I noticed it against rules so why didn't they get banned when they were personally attacking me, when I got banned for somerthing that isn't against the rules, but people breaking the actual rules. last time I was banned for saying jewtube, cause I am jewish and it's a real website

FYI: Causing trouble during your ban appeal may extend your ban to all our servers. You've been warned.
And again deliberate slurs will NEVER BE LIFTED including any attempt to troll or test the filter. We dont care or why. Our house our rules! The rules and punishment in the server are very clear. Only false positives or legit context will be lifted.
none of this happened in your server. it's just vague rules probably so they can ban people who might think different, which still didn't cover what I said

the people running the software obviously do not care if you insult people until it's their group, they just want a vague rule to be fascist in other people's servers

the server didn't even list any rules when I got banned

maybe I should start a server, when people enter it> I'll get them banned from other's servers by inciting them to insult me but only cut out the part where they make an insult
So I'm confused or have not smoked enough of the good stuff today... Are you saying that you DO or DO NOT have a ban on a TBG server? If no ban here, there is nothing that we can do with your ban on the other server.

I do however can offer some help to get unbanned... This program was started for the redemption of people that were caught cheating.. They have expanded it further for items like yours.

You will first need to file a report with EA on their website. Just start a post in the link below to get started. They will guide you through the rest of the process.

This is part of their "Cheaters Program of Redemption" or CPR. Just put your username and CPR in the title and mention the program in the body of the message. Just let them know what you did and that you should be eligible for this program. Copy the link below and we will monitor .
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